Post Op at Xmas

Elissa Member Posts: 2
Light and live to all those undergoing surgery or treatment over Christmas 2020. Being diagnosed with breast cancer mid Dec and rush operation just before Xmas was a shock and big downer to an already crappy year. On the mend physically and mentally now. 

Question: I had breast co serving surgery via areole incision. My areole is now blood red on one side and looks really puckered along the cancer edge. Sore but clean, no ingestion, but looks pretty gnarly. Hoping it calms. Anyone have similar issues? 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Welcome to the club that no-one really wants to join .... I am So sorry to see you here, specially at this time of year, @Elissa - how long ago was your surgery?  Once your bandages are removed, the wound area WILL look sore & angry for a while ..... I took lots of pics of mine, both before & after the surgery & it wasn't too long before it 'settled down' - a month or two.  My entire nipple was removed & replaced & all the surgery was done 'under it' .... and now, that one nipple is quite hard to distinguish from the other one (3 years down the track) other than it is now 'bigger/wider' than the unaffected one.  

    If you do detect any swelling, weeping or pus - make sure you get it checked out pronto.  I was also given some 'scar minimising' gel that I put on religiously & maybe that helped?

    If you whack your town/suburb in your profile, we may have members nearby who can advise you of any services within your area .... 

    Take care, make haste slowly .... it just takes time xx

    Whack up any questions you may have - and all the best for your ongoing treatments xxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    yes cancer doesnt ever get diagnosed at a a great time.... 
    I am unsure about your type of surgery but my scars took a few months to settle down.... 
    this is a great forum to ask questions and get good information from avoid Dr Google 

  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,581
    Hello @Elissa 🙂. I’m not sure about the nipple, but I do think it takes time for scars to settle after surgery. As the ladies above mentioned, keep an eye out for any pus or similar, in which case you should go see a nurse. Good luck, and I hope your NYE is much better than your Xmas was 🍀♥️
  • Leia
    Leia Member Posts: 39
    Hi Elissa,
    I didn’t have your type of surgery either. Hopefully you’ll see your surgeon soon, who should be able to let you know that everything is going well. My surgery site was very bruised at first- that took several weeks to fade, and the scar itself gradually improved. As said previously, if you have any concerns contact your breast care nurse- they are wonderful! 
    Take things easy, you are still very much recovering at present. 
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    @primek do you know anyone who had this surgery ? 

  • Elissa
    Elissa Member Posts: 2
    thanks, I so appreciate all of your thoughts. Surgery was 15/12/20.
    The BCN said that it looked ok today, just some compromised tip layer tissue that now seems to be healing better. What a journey this is my fellow warriors!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Terrific, @Elissa - just keep an eye open for any swelling/tenderness/pain - it could be a Seroma (fluid buildup.) Usually it will self absorb, but if not, get in touch with your BCN ...

    So you can rest easy, kiss 2020 goodbye & look forward to a hopefully better 2021 for EVERYONE!!  xx

  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Glad to hear Elissa, take care and rest up