COVID-19 and impact on breast reconstruction surgery

Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
edited September 2020 in Community news and events

Hello Ladies, 

We need your help! 

BCNA is now working with government, health professionals, and the media to advocate for future policies that minimise the long term impact of COVID-19 on breast cancer outcomes. We are looking to understand more about how COVID-19 has impacted your personal breast cancer diagnosis and treatment. 

If you were unable to have a breast reconstruction due to COVID-19 restrictions on elective surgery or travel and are now on a waiting list, please let us know if you would be happy to share your story.  

If your are interested in sharing your story please email Lisa Berger

Thanking you

kind regards Giovanna


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited September 2020
    I received a letter in the mail stating if not  returned within 10 working days saying I still wanted surgery I'd be removed off the list. It was already 7 working days. I currently cannot cross the border except for urgent medical treatment. I was on a 12 month list but was told by bc nurse it would be 2 years. It will be 12 months February.

    I've written a complaint about the letter and it's lack of compassion. 
    A...I live 500km across a border and can't even post back inside 10 days.
    B...letters commonly go missing and it should be followed by a second or phone call before  removal
    C..the whole border closure and fear of covid is stressful enough without a letter totally lacking any compassion or understanding of the stress and compromised care women and men are currently experiencing due to covid (our oncologist didn't visit Broken Hill in person for 4 months).

    My breast surgeon appointment was going to be by phone  (?!) And now cancelled...but I also have to phone them to rebook or be removed from the list in 15 days...during business hours of course.

    I've emailed the bc nurse to assist as I work in health myself and my days are packed and there is no time for personal calls to sort this out...usually you sit on hold for a while...calling from interstate of course.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,427
    Thinking of you @primek, this is both stressful and disappointing. If insurance companies and other institutions can extend timelines, surely the offer at least can be made to do so? In a timely fashion, mail being erratic at best right now. Best wishes. 
  • Keeping_positive1
    Keeping_positive1 Member Posts: 555
    @primek, so sorry to hear what you are currently going through.  These days the wait is awful for many of us with getting timely treatment and reconstructions from what I hear.   So frustrating for you, I hope you can get it sorted soon.
    All the sad stories just keep coming, don't they ?  All the best in these tiresome times.

  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @primek so sorry to hear of your recent experience, very frustrating and disappointing for you.  Great that you have written to them to provide feedback and touched base with the BCN who will be able to assist you.  Best wishes Giovanna
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello Ladies,

    We are still looking for someone who was unable to have a breast reconstruction due to COVID-19 restrictions on elective surgery or travel and are now on a waiting list, please let us know if you would be happy to share your story.  

    If your are interested in sharing your story please email Vicki Durston

    Thanking you

    Kind regards Giovanna