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One year on

Amy Member Posts: 233
edited September 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer

A year ago today I was told that I had secondary breast cancer.   My doctor told me the year ahead would be a rollercoaster ride and 'to forget everything else and just concentrate on my treatment and my family'.  He was right.

While my year has been emotionally and physicallly draining, I have still had some wonderful moments too.  I cherish my time with my famliy - my lovely husband and two children - as well as my parents and my sister.  I have realised just what a wonderul life I have had so far and I plan on having more wonderful years too!

I go for more scans in a couple of weeks and I am hoping that they will show that the mets in my bones have stablised and nothing new has spread anywhere else.  I have been feeling pretty good the last few weeks so hopefully that's a sign that things are going well.

Today has been an emotional day for me - I've been close to tears quite a few times - I just hope that I am here to celebrate quite a few more anniversaries.

Thanks to all of you who have supported me so far.  I couldn't have got through the dark moments without you.




  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,836
    edited March 2015

    I can understand you being emotional today.You have been through so much and are so brave but we can't be all the time.I'm glad you are feeling well and you inspire me with your attitude of gratitude.I hope your scans are "good"and that you can have many more happy years with your beautiful family.

                                 love Tonya xx

  • jo1234
    jo1234 Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2015

    Hi Amy, i just read up on your first blogs with great admiration for you, You have been through so much yet you have a very positive mind which will carry you through, i am sure.   Life  can be so cruel  and you have really had your fare share. You have done so well to  have come this far and remain so positive, but what is really good news is that you are feeling so well at the moment.  Thats definately got to be a good thing.

    Fingers crossed for the scan results. you will be fine . good luck and take care.

    Cheers Jo xx

  • jo1234
    jo1234 Member Posts: 291
    edited March 2015

    Hi Amy, i just read up on your first blogs with great admiration for you, You have been through so much yet you have a very positive mind which will carry you through, i am sure.   Life  can be so cruel  and you have really had your fare share. You have done so well to  have come this far and remain so positive, but what is really good news is that you are feeling so well at the moment.  Thats definately got to be a good thing.

    Fingers crossed for the scan results. you will be fine . good luck and take care.

    Cheers Jo xx

  • Joy K
    Joy K Member Posts: 158
    edited March 2015

    They say the first year is the hardest! It is where we get our head around the implications of living with Stage 4, escalating treatments, side effects and even mortality.

    BUT then we move on to a more ordered existence when we regain some normality and take pleasure in some of the simple things of life, things we probably would not have noticed before. Great that you've been able to move into this space. Are you on any biphosphonate treatment for your bones?

    Good luck with the scans.

    With love

    Joy K

  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015

    Hi Joy

    I am on zometa once every four weeks.

    I have been 'lucky' so far as I haven't had to have any chemo although the Dr has warned me that this is a probability later on down the track (perhaps if the hormone treatments don't pan out).

    I think the mortality bit was really very hard for me at first but then I thought how lucky I was that I could have this 'warning' that I won't be around forever.  It has made me really appreciate my beautiful family and the many wonderful things in my life.  Not so easy on my husband though who refuses even to accept that I will die sooner than we expected.  He is very positive about it all which is nice in one way but then very hard to 'live up to' in another way - does that make sense?  An extra pressure, I guess, to always try to be positive which , as we all know, just isn't the reality.

    Hope you are feeling well at the moment.

    Take care

    Amy x

  • Di_BCNA
    Di_BCNA Member Posts: 896
    edited March 2015

    Hi Amy, biggest hugs to you. Congratulations on the milestone, and best wishes for your scans.

    It's great having you here in the online network, so thanks to you, too, for everything you contribute. :)


  • traxx65
    traxx65 Member Posts: 252
    edited March 2015

    Hi Amy congrats on your one year anniversary.  They are so important to each and everyone of us.  It sure is an emotional time for us.  People without cancer don't quite realise how important these achievements are to us.  It is like a relief when you make an anniversary.  You take care and I hope all the treatments are going well for you.

    Take care.

    Tracey xx

  • Amy
    Amy Member Posts: 233
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Tracey

    It is a bit of a milestone and hopefully I will have many more!  How are you going?  Hope you have a  lovely Christmas with your family.

    Amy x

  • traxx65
    traxx65 Member Posts: 252
    edited March 2015

    I know that feeling Amanda.  Each and every birthday no matter how special is such an achievement.  I too would love to have that optimism.  Fingers crossed.

    Take care.

    Tracey xx