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Lymphoedema Information Day

Come along to Tamworth for the Regional Lymphoedema Information Day on Saturday 21st March.
To attend this wonderful day of learning about lymphoedema,
the best practice to treat and manage this condition, latest research,
and opportunity to see and talk to our sponsors about their lymphoedema products!
7.30-10 am Session for medical and health care professionals only
10am -4.30 pm Sessions for public-everyone consumers ,medical and health care professionals
Send your registration form in by 13th March
Go to and follow the links to register. Don't miss out!
Please go to the Lymphoedema Support Group of NSW Facebook page and like and share their posts.
This conference is priceless opportunity for anyone who has had breast cancer surgery,
or who cares for people who have had bc surgery . (family or service industry)
or other cancers especially head and neck, genital /urinary/gynaecological , melanoma,.
Gp's,physios, occupational therapists, massage therapists, podiatrists,- lots of people who could benefit from top notch advice to be able to help the estimated 40,000+ people living with lymphoedemea in Australia & New Zealand
You can also be born with lymphoedema or a predispostion to it , or it can result from an injury, can be a side effects from many other diseases also .
Not restricted to breast cancer .
Up to 20% of all breast,ovarian and prostrate cancer survivors develop lymphoedema.
Early treatment leads to better outcomes.
It is essential for patients to have education and adequate support to ensure compliance and self care to reduce the impact of this chronic condition and reduce associated complications due to inadequate self management of lymphoedema.

Support Group of NSW Inc Saturday, 6th November 2021 9.45am – 2.00pmSee
the Lymphoedema Support Group of NSW webpage, Facebook page and the Eventbrite
page for more information and to book tickets
$15 members, $30 non-members
(profesional group is hosting the virtual webinar)!!
FYI. It is a live virtual event,and a recording will not be made available for
viewing after the event.Sat
6th Nov 2021 9.45-2pm Australian
Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT)Short
breaks ,including a 30 min lunch break have been scheduled.
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Thanks @Kristen
would love to go but way too far away for a weekend seeing I’m working on the friday my Pc has a bung sound card so I would be lip reading. Hopefully a session will come to Sydney. At some point0 -
Tamworth was planned for 2020 but it was cancelled when pandemic started.
But this year they doing it all online,no face to face /people in a room due to pandemic, which is great so almost anyone can access it from home
, only if they lucky enough to have tech, with a sound that works.
But online conference I guess is better then nothing.
2019 was held at UTS in Sydney.It was great.They have held it there a few times.Maybe next year.
The link for the 2021 event still has /Tamworth in the link.
Bit of a woopsy.But the Lymphoedema support group NSW rely mostly on volunteers and mistakes like that easily made.At least it's on the webpage so people who are interested can see the details.0 -
Could change the heading of this thread to just
Lymphoedema Information Day
I could then add the 2022 one here and keep together anything for BCR Lymphoedema for anything nsw or national events.
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The programme for the Australasian Lymphology Association public day, which is online as well as in person in Hobart , on Sat 28th May , is now available at the link below and in the image.Online registration is only $2014TH ALA CONFERENCEA D V A N C E S I N A N E W E R AHybrid Event – Hotel Grand ChancellorHobart and OnlineA 3 day conference for proffesionals May 26-28th 2022On Saturday 28 May 2022 the conference is opened to the public for Lymphoedema Public Day , for people living with lymphoedema.You can pre register to watch it online or attend in person atthe Hotel Grand Chancellor Hobart.The Public Day provides a fantastic opportunity for people living with lymphoedema to hear about the latest research and information to help understand and manage the condition.The program will run from 9.15am – 3.40pm AEST and will feature guest speakers .
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Don’t forget to register for the ALA public day on this Sat May 28th.
check it out. I am sure you will learn stuff that will help you in your
daily care and help motivate you with this never ending daily task we have to
keep our swelling down,stop the tissue getting hard, prevent infections and so much more.
For most who have had breast cancer surgery, you are at risk of getting lymphoedmea for the rest of your life. Education is the key to prevention and reducing the impact this annoying life long condition has on our daily life.It can be prevented and managed with the right treatments.But it takes us to get empowered and to learn. Level up!
Only $20 to register for online attendance via livestream or watch on-demand for one month afterwards.So, if your busy on Saturday, you can watch it later, but you do have to register. Don't miss out.
will also be the launch of the new national LAA- Lymphoedema
Association of Australia- the combined voice for all us lymphies. The breast cancer community is a big portion of the diagnosed lymphoedmea community , and we can help all the other cancers communities with our big voice and expereinces and research . So
please check it out.
I have had it for 12 years, and the thing i have learnt is ongoing education and early intervention is the most important things.The
ALA/ Australasian Lymphology Association is the national body
supporting professionals, to promote awareness of, and provide best
practice in, the management of lymphoedema.Thier vision statement is
-Excellence in health care for people living with lymphoedema.ttps://
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Here's another good reason to join the new Lymphoedema Association of Australia .Free for members Zoom webinar with THE Proff Neil Pillar !Director of the Lymphoedema Clinical Research Unit at Flinders University South Australia.Topic: Understanding Your Lymphoedema.Sat 13th August10-11.30am.
For Members of Lymphoedema Association Australia - this webinar is FREENon-Members - $20.00 (inc. GST)
Not a member of the Lymphoedema Association Australia? Join now! Annual financial year fee only $40.00 (General) or $30.00 (Concession) - - - - - - - - - -Become a member of Lymphoedema Association AustraliaWhether you have been diagnosed with lymphoedema, are a relative or friend or provide treatment and support service to those with the condition, we encourage you to join as a Member.By signing up as Member today, you are standing up to be counted as part of the lymphoedema community and assisting the Lymphoedema Association Australia to continue its mission to provide advocacy, education, connection and support.Join the Lymphoedema Association Australia now, and your membership will extend to 30 June 2023.The membership year is from 1 July to 30 June.Complete the online membership application form at the link below , selecting the applicable membership category. You will have the option to pay by credit card, EFT / bank transfer or cheque. General $40.00An individual who supports the purposes of LAA, who may have lived‐experience; be a carer/friend; or health professional in the field of care Concession $30.00An individual with a valid concession card who supports the purposes of LAA, who may have lived‐experience; be a carer/friend; or health
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Don't miss it.
Only once a year chance.
The fabulous annual @lymphaus information
-Fast focused learning for medical professionals of all types
at the tailored early session.
-The rest of the day for practical , applicable information
for people who live with, are at risk of, or who care for people with
Increased lymphatic understanding can also be applied to help
many other conditions apart from lymphoedema.(Basic health ,immune systems,wellness too.Never really knew i had a lymphatic system and how important it was until i got a scar that caused a problem)Sat 18th March 2023 LAA Lymphoedema Information Day
Online or in Tamworth NSW
Health Professional session as well as consumer sessions. Please tell your medical team.
These LSGNSW (Lymphoedema support group NSW - now
merged into LAA) conferences are always fabulous. I am so glad I went to my
first one back in 2015 (+16,17,19, sydney,wollongong,online 2021)- so i can recommend them as a consumer. I am not involved in the organistation, but i am a member . I had masectomy,axillary dissection ,chemo, herceptin, radiation etc back in 2007, but my arm started swelling just a couple of years later, I am one, of the 1 in 5 approx who have it as a side effect of BC treatments. So I have to deal with lymphoedema every day for the last 14 years and for the rest of my life.The earlier you get into learning how to self managing it, the better and the less this will effect you. I wish I had of got into a sleeve earlier. I see many women that ignore their swelling until it becomes really painful and leaking. Please don't. You can do irreversible damage. You have to know the warning signs, get pre tested if you can and monitored. Education is the key to reducing the impact on your health. It can happen to breast cancer survivors many many years later.Know your risk.Take action. Self care .The 2020 Tamworth conference got
postponed, so it’s great they have a bunch of committed volunteers got it up
and going again for the regional people to have an opportunity - but this time its going to be virtual too. Yeah!These conferences really jump started
me to understanding my lymphoedema and the education really helped to motivate
my daily self-care. I always was sad when I went to the conferences and
realised so many people miss out on them because they don't have marketing
budgets to reach out into the community far and wide. They are not a big company,
it’s a bunch of volunteers with great contacts trying to help others. They had less than a 100
attend for last year’s online one, yet the speakers and info was top notch. It
is always brilliant speakers (the three this year are too) and great info for
medical people and consumers.So spread the word everyone. To your support
groups, oncologist, nurses, radiologists, GPs, physios, massage therapists,
OTs, EPs and much more. There has been a heap of new findings in improving
early detection of lymphoedema, and even though many of the studies are done in
breast cancer patients, they are applicable across almost all cancers. The only
way us patients will get better treatments is if we can get the medical
community to get up to date and aware of how improved lymphatic management can
speed up everything, from wound healing in diabetic ulcers, amputations,
geriatric care and so much more, but of course after many cancer surgeries the
risk is there so our community needs to know- before it happens to them. We
have to get the word out not just to the breast cancer community but also into
melanoma, gynaecological, prostrate head & neck cancer and everyone.Early
intervention can reduce so much discomfort and pain. Lymphoedema swelling can
be managed and reduced.We can't wait for the 17 years it takes from research
to make it into teaching and then practise.Ask your GP and your physio or anyone you can if they would spare a tiny 1.5 hrs & $20 to get a quick update on the latest information.We can be so proud of our
Aussie researchers, like the ALERT clinic, are leading the way and have really created a movemnt the last 5 years in better understanding lymphatics and refining the management methods, more options, better results.Early intervention and good lymphoedema management can reduce hospital admissions due to complications.
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It’s one of lymphoedema’s dirty tricks that it can start up to 15 years after the removal
of lymph nodes that triggers secondary lymphoedema. I feel almost lucky I was diagnosed after seven months! For ten years I have worn a compression sleeve (well, most days!), seen a therapist every six weeks or so for massage and advice, and my lymphoedema is really manageable, stable and hardly affects my life at all. Not everyone is lucky. Getting treatment early is key. Learn about your risks, what you can do, specialised advice in your area. It’s worth it.2 -
Reminder for anyone interested to learn , the LAA Lymphoedema information day is online this saturday 18th March.