27 recently Diagnosed

rella1 Member Posts: 7
edited February 2020 in Newly diagnosed
Hi Everyone 

I am Sydney based and i have just found out yesterday that i have stage 3 breast cancer ( its a hormonal one ) not sure the rest of the details yet ( or i cant remember at this point) - very shocked and overwhelmed. At the moment i am waiting to do a genetics test and then further bone scans and CT scans before i go into surgery within the next 3-4 weeks. Then after that Chemo and Radiation starts and i will also be taking a tablet which i cant remember what it was. 

As you could imagine the first thing i did was google survival rates and almost had a heart attack when i saw its more aggressive in younger woman and the rates are not high for women under 40. 

I am really looking forward to hearing everyones stories or advice and any words of guidance and wisdom would be highly appreciated

Love to you all 

rella :)



  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    I’m sorry you have had this terrible shock. This is such a hard part, straight after diagnosis when the whole world is suddenly turned upside down yet there are so many things yet to understand and know about. I really agree with @sister, that if you can, have somebody else with you in your early consultations. Also when you go for your various tests and scans.

    When I saw the surgeon first time,  I was lucky enough to have my daughter and my partner with me and they remembered a lot more than I did. 

    You have come to the right place here on this forum, the contributors are truly amazing, in their care and support and willingness to be online day at night. You can ask anything, nothing that you could think of to ask is wrong. Lots of love xx
  • rella1
    rella1 Member Posts: 7
    Hi @Tinks
    Thank you for your message
    I am so grateful for this forum and being able to speak on here and relate to so many women! its empowering! 
    Sending hugs to you and love
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
  • rella1
    rella1 Member Posts: 7
    Hi @youngdogmum
    Thank you so much for your message and reaching out 
    Thank you also for the advice regarding egg preservation and plastic surgery 
    I really appreciate it
    I would love to get to know your friend who is going through a similar experience it is nice to speak to someone through this all who can understand and relate

    Many thanks 
  • youngdogmum
    youngdogmum Member Posts: 254
    @rella1 I’ve just sent her a message on insta so I’ll wait to hear back .. I don’t know her personally but a friend connected us because we’re in the same area, both nurses and same age at diagnosis 🤷🏻‍♀️ It’s spooky sometimes how it all happens. 

    Whilst I agree with don’t google I think there’s certain things you can google. Such as breast reconstruction options and fertility preservation... it will help you understand the lingo when you have these appointments. Do you know if you are having mastectomy or lumpectomy yet? Public vs private? I only ask this bcoz I used to work in Sydney as a nurse and just know a little bit about the systems which might help. 

    It’s really easy to feel very isolated and the waiting room stares from older women and men were honestly awful and I found myself resenting everyone in the room. And it’s so statistically unlikely to get it this young that you can feel like the whole world is against you. But once you see there are other youngens like me etc you begin to realise you didn’t do anything wrong to get BC. It just happened. 

    You sound like you’re managing it quite well. I hope your scans are clear 🙏🙏🙏
  • rella1
    rella1 Member Posts: 7
    Hi @youngdogmum
    So i have had a lumpectomy so far and they removed 3 lymph-nodes - this showed 2 out of the 3 were positive and that it is stage 3 of bc. Now they want me to do a genetics test, bone scan and ct scan - then he wants to do surgery again because they noticed a few spots on the outer tissue to remove that. Once i do the genetics test depending on if it comes back with that BC gene or not will determine if it s worth me removing the entire left breast or just more tissue. I am doing it through the public system. :)
    thanks again 
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    Hi @rella1 so sorry you’re here lovely, thinking of you x
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    Hi rella1 ,
    Great advice in previous comments. I just want to add my best wishes. I went through the public system and I have been very well cared for. xxx
  • Michele B
    Michele B Member Posts: 136
    Hi @rella1, also just reaching out to give you a virtual hug. Best wishes for your treatment xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi @rella1. I think having someone going through treatment at the same time as you is an excellent idea.

    There are several organisations around for young women with BC. If you're a joiner in-er that could be lovely. If you're on Insta check out @cancerchicksau.

    Sending you a big warm hug, K xox
  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    Hi @rella1 - just wanted to say I'm thinking of you. Breast cancer research and treatment has come in leaps and bounds and continues to at such a rapid rate, it is well funded and we know so much more about BC than unfortunately we do about many other cancers. We are so lucky, even compared to 5-10 years ago! I know you probably don't feel lucky at the mo, but let others care for you, stay away from Google (you'll always find horrifying stuff there, even if you look up ingrown toe nail), hook up with others your age going through this, and be kind to you. Best wishes, hugs and good luck. xx