Grade 3 Triple Negative

Angiebloom Member Posts: 3
edited November 2019 in Newly diagnosed
I just wanted to say my first hello and what an amazing place this is to come for loads of wonderful advice and info!! I was diagnosed on 6th Nov with Grade 3 Triple Negative IDC and am having a double mastectomy with reconstruction next wed 4th Dec. I’m a mum of 3 (19,16 & 7) and had only just turned 40 when I experienced a sharp pain in my breast and went to have it checked. No staging as of yet, I had one swollen lymph node biopsied which came back clear and CT was clear apart from pre existing liver hemangiomas (just something else to add to the mix) but still waiting on bone scan results.........if that isn’t the most anxiety endusing thing on the planet I don’t know what is, Ive been hyper sensitive to every ache and pain I get!! Chemo is planned for the new year. Anxious but eager to get into it, all the waiting is the worst 😣


  • suburbangirl
    suburbangirl Member Posts: 123
    Hi @Angiebloom
    I just wanted to say welcome to this forum where we all understand the fear, the highs and lows,and of course 'the waiting'!
    We each have our own story and journey, but we share the emotions that go with it all. I wish you all the very best for your op on the 4 December.
    Following your pathology you will have a treatment plan, which in a weird way allows you a degree of control back on your life. Keep letting us know how you are going, and if you have any questions.
    We all care, even though we don't know each other personally!
    Best wishes, xx
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @Angiebloom Welcome aboard for the wildest ride ever!! Glad you have found us & that this forum has helped you already. All questions will be answered & everything you will experience, would have been by many of us here. THE best place for first hand advice & support.
    Although waiting for results is always going to be one of the hardest things to wait out, your surgery/treatment will go ahead quite quickly & it is good that your plan is laid out for you. 
    Focus on the now & not what may be as things change all the time so no use worrying over things that may not happen. Stress fuels cancer so try to stay as calm & positive as you can. I hope your family & friends are surrounding you with love & support. Get as much help as you can & let those around you help out with school drop offs/meals etc. People love to help. Get some frozen meals in the freezer ready too.
    I found a McGrath nurse great help to answer all your questions. I found her on their website & just emailed her. We speak for ages on the phone & they also counsel your family if needed. If your kids need special guidance, I know that CanTeen Australia offer great services for kids who are effected by cancer in their family.
    I will be thinking of you next Wednesday for your op & the day a BIG box will be ticked off. It is the day before I was diagnosed 2 years ago. Wishing you prayers, love & strength. xx 
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    Welcome to the forum, I know you will find it a positive and caring place as I have. 
    Over the last year, in the midst of lots of anxious waiting and fear of the unknown, it was the only place where I felt truly understood.
    I asked lots of silly questions and got tons of support and advice from everyone.  Don't hesitate to do the same, we all get it :)
    I am just at the end of my treatment and yes it has been an absolute rollercoaster but once you get started you will feel that you are at least moving forward. I will be thinking of you next Wednesday <3

    @kmakm, we share the same diagnosis date, so next Wednesday Dec 4th will mark my one year anniversary.  Fortunately it is also a friends birthday, so I plan to celebrate and breathe out!

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Nefertari I will add you to my thinking list my diagnosis sister. It was a truly horrible day for me, as I imagine it was for all of us. I wonder if it will ever come round unnoticed? Oh how I wish it had never happened. Hope your day goes well and your friend's party is fun. K xox
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    In my experience the day of diagnosis hasn't stayed with me as time has moved on.  My thoughts are more about the countdown to the end of all treatment.  At this stage, if I have to do the full 10 years bit that I was told originally, it is coming up 5 and half years to go!  Goodness I shouldn't reflect on the count...….how old will I be then!  Shudder, shudder!

    Take care...… does get better and a new normal comes along!  Let's face it we are evolving always regardless
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,799
    Gremlin in the system - that should read @Nefertari
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @kmakm, I like that my "diagnosis sister" I will be thinking of you too.  My sister's date is in March and she is 15 years NED, she said it does lessen but she still has scanxiety around March for her annual mammogram / ultrasound.
    I always hold my breath until after she gets results and so far we have been celebrating every March since, she is my idol <3  
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Nefertari That's wonderful to hear! My sister died three years after she was diagnosed, but my mother is 33 years NED. Obviously I hope I fall into the latter category. I've certainly done everything I can to make that happen. K xox
  • Nefertari
    Nefertari Member Posts: 288
    @kmakm - I certainly hope you fall into that category too and hope I can squeeze in there too lol.  Iwish that for everyone here.

    @iserbrown, thanks for your thoughts and wonderful to hear that you are 5 and a half years in! .   I guess the "one year anniversary"  of diagnosis is the scariest, this year has been pretty intense.
  • poodlejules
    poodlejules Member Posts: 393
    Wishing you a successful operation on the 4th and a speedy recovery @Angiebloom! Of course no time is a great time to get the BC diagnosis but this time of year sucks :s !
     I was diagnosed also in November and had my op in December , 3 years ago. Christmas dinner was switched from my house to my brother's which took the pressure off and helped me in my recovery so do what ever you can to let your relatives/friends take the load off you this Christmas.....and into the New Year when your treatment starts. If you look through the threads there are discussions on how to get your kids to help out too. All the best , J x
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Welcome Angiebloom to this forum that’s full of emotional support and knowledge.
    I also was diagnosed with TNBC in October 2018.
    After surgery, Chemotherapy and radiation, I have just had my yearly mammogram and given the all clear in both breasts.
    You can also beat this horrid disease.
    Take one day at a time, I described it as a roller coaster ride ( I never did like them lol..) in all honesty you will have good and bad days, and that’s ok as this is normal.
    Go with the flow and listen to your body, rest when it tells you to, my best advice is stay hydrated, rest when need,gentle exercise when able to , and accept help when offered.
    Also stay positive is the key, there will be days when you don’t feel as good as  others and that’s ok, as long as you pick yourself up again.
    If you ever need to talk we are all here, you can privately pm me if you need to talk further about Triple negative .
    Sending hugs xx

  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @Angiebloom, Hope things are going well. 

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    @Angiebloom. I was diagnosed TNBC May 2016 aged 43. Stage 2a grade 3 no family history scans all clear and no lymph node involvement. I had a double mastectomy, no recon (my choice) I had 8 rounds of chemo. 4 AC fortnightly then 4 paclitaxol fortnightly. Do you want any head scarves and bandanas ?  I have a big bag.  They started with me in QLD then went to NSW VIC then back to NSW and the girls have added to them along the way. Let me know if you’d like some I’ve  also offered them to @Begonia10 too and am waiting to hear back from her. Can easily split them as I have heaps. Happy to post to you, I get back from hols jan 3rd. Biggest hug and so sorry to hear you’ve joined our club. The whole thing is shitty but doable that’s how I explain it anyway. Feel free to PM me anytime f you have any questions. Big hugs.  Margie xx