joining the family

lilymax84 Member Posts: 3
edited November 2019 in Newly diagnosed
I'm newly diagnosed and have been reading about everyone and their journey's and realising what I am feeling and experiencing so many of you have too.So  think it's time i joined the family. I was diagnosed last month after a routine mammogram.I have now had my lump removed it was 8mm with clear margins and clear nodes.But and there is always a but it appeared to be aggressive. I had my first visit to my oncologist last week and I am waiting for  the results of my  Her2 . He talked to me about prosigna anyone had the testing? It does give some hope that I may not need chemotherapy and don't we cling to any hope? I think the waiting is the worst part of the whole process your emotions just go up and down all the time.At least when you know what you are up for you can get on with it and be one day closer to it all being over. Thank you for being there.

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  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,537
    Ah, a new sister. Welcome. I hope the next news and testing is excellent. Big hugs. I love hugs.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Hi and welcome. I know quite a few womem have had tumour testing done and some were oncotype dx testing which is similar I think. It certainly helped people decide whether to have have chemo particularly in tumours with slower growth rates where the deciding factor of chemo is ambiguous.
    If you do have Her2 expression it will be chemo, which although scary is doable. Many of us here because we had it. X
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Welcome to the club that no-one really wants to join, @lilymax84 ... you can throw any questions at us that you can think of - if we can help smooth out some of the bumps for you on this shitty road .... it will be a bonus.   Having said that - I can't help you with the prosigna - but am sure someone will!!  Hmmm, if you click on the 'Discussions' button - you will see a 'search button' 
    above the 'Page Numbers' .... sometimes putting a word there may bring up a previous post where it has been mentioned?

    Yes, the waiting really sucks, bigtime.   Like yours, mine was also aggressive but was small & caught early, so I had radiation (but dodged the chemo) bullet ....  Just take big breaths & keep as active as you can, to make that waiting time pass quicker!!  (I went fishing for about 2 weeks whilst waiting for all my appts in Nov/Dec 2017, after my lump was found, then even more fishing after the biopsy as it took nearly 2 weeks to get the results due to the Public Holidays!   Grrr) . Fishing is my 'safe place'!!

    All the best for your Her2 results - take care xx
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Hi @lilymax84,

    Welcome lovely.  You will find so much warmth and there is always someone ready to listen, help and encourage no matter what time of the day or night it is.
    Yes the start really sux.  Endless waiting and not knowing which was is up.  I can't help with the prosigna either I am sorry.  Mine was pretty much a slam dunk for the whole shebang from day 1.
    Distraction is the best place to go.  Being busy keeps your brain occupied and dreaming up nasty thoughts.

    All the best sweet.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi @lilymax84. My cancer didn't indicate the need for chemo but as I was the third woman in my immediate family to have BC my oncologist thought it advisable that I have an oncotype test. I did, (though it wasn't Prosigna), and mine came back with a clear indication that chemo was warranted. I swore a lot, panicked, but took a deep breath and did it. No regrets, I have thrown the kitchen sink at my cancer, and I didn't want any 'what ifs'.

    I know someone who took the test and it came back as a clear no. There's always hope! Hang in there, K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Welcome @lilymax84
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,097
    Dear @lilymax84, I am 2 1/2 years post treatment, but am still strongly connected to the network. We are all in it together. Understanding and support and info always seemes to be forthcoming.

    from jennyss in Western NSW

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