Breast reconstruction awareness event 21 February - Tamworth

Alpal Member Posts: 196
edited February 2019 in Community news and events
You are invited to attend a free information forum about breast reconstruction coming up soon in Tamworth, NSW.
A variety of guest speakers include surgeons and women sharing their personal stories.  Information will include the various types of breast reconstruction available, how to navigate the referral process, emotional well being, the reality of living with reconstruction and samples of medical devices to look at and handle (including expanders and implants).

When: Thursday, 21st February from 5.30pm to 9pm
Where: West Tamworth Leagues Club - Phillip St, West Tamworth

Registration is essential and you will receive a take-home Tool Kit of information.
Please register at

We look forward to seeing you there.


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi Alpal I will put this onto the TNBC facebook group for you 

  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 151
    Hi @SoldierCrab
     What is TNBC page?
    i came across your comment when i search for 'tamworth'
     I am looking for places to share the Tamworth Lymphoedema information day which is on on March 21st  2020. Its  for medical peeps and for people with lympheodema, at risk of , carers for...

    Its on the Lymphoedema support Group of NSW facebook page, their webpage and i just posted it in this BCNA online network in the community page
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    hi Kristen... it is a page for ladies with TNBC

  • Kristen
    Kristen Member Posts: 151
    thanks for explaining, i am used to seeing the abbreviation  3-ve . Good to know , even though it won't help me share  the tamworth thing , but because as i run sutherland shire breast cancer support group (face to face group) and i know the TNBC ladies that come are always eager to meet other TNBC ladies