Finishing taking Femara

Lea W
Lea W Member Posts: 4
edited December 2018 in General discussion
Hi all, 
I have just recently stopped taking Femara, after 2 years. Prior to Femara I was taking Tamoxifen for 5 years. My oncolgist orininally said I would be taking for 5 years, then changed this to 10 years, and earlier this year advised me I now only needed to be taking for 7 years. Reason being 5 years + 1 year extra for each positibe node removed, making 7 years. He has assured me it is worse for me to continue taking Femara, and that their is only a 1% chance of me getting cancer back. I am worried that it could affect me again, and should I be doing anything to make sure I don't.  

Cheers in advance

Lea W


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    I love the maths! On that basis I stop in May! My oncologist is honest about my situation, he believes that the evidence is somewhat in favour of 10 years rather than five but is also cognisant of the side effects, especially bone thinning. We are taking it 12 months at a time. 
  • Lea W
    Lea W Member Posts: 4
    So many conflicting opinions. Doesn't make it easy, but this was not my decision to make, it was my oncologists and that was that, no more visits. In lots of ways I am excited and relieved. Stopped about 1 1/2 weeks ago, and have neen experiencing lots of side affects. Hoping they stop soon. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited December 2018
    Congratulations @LeaW! What a great place to be, finished!

    My old oncologist said there's starting to be sufficient evidence supporting the 7 - 10 year time frame, and they're now looking at the 10 - 15 year range. My new oncologist was leaning more towards the 5 - 7 year period. We'll see! I'm six months in.

    As for doing everything you can to keep it away, it's the same old same old. Regular moderate exercise, keep your weight in the normal range and little to no alcohol. It won't outright stop the cancer returning, but it will reduce the chances. And make you the picture of health!

    Onwards and upwards! K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    My onc said 5 years then we'll review it according to the literature then as to whether it may be 7 or 10 but I feel that he was leaning towards 7.  My surgeon said last week that the general feeling was indicating 10 years but pointing more now to 7.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    Good on you to be at the tail end of Femara!
    I hope you settle into a routine where it's a distant memory. No more pill popping Yay!
    Take care
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Well hoping you'll get a second zest for life after stopping it with less bone density loss and lowering of cholesterol.
    The usual advice is keep fit, watch your weight, don't  smoke and go easy on the grog. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I forgot to say...Congratulations!  Wooohooo!