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Friday Update

Giovanna_BCNA's avatar
7 years ago

Hello everyone and welcome to our Friday update.

Wow it has been a busy last couple of weeks here at BCNA.  Some members of BCNA including Rosie, Riki and myself attended the Melbourne International Joint Breast Congress last Friday and Saturday at the Melbourne Convention Centre.  This conference combined three international conferences -  Australasian Society for Breast Disease (ASBD), 4th World Congress on Controversies in Breast Cancer (CoBrCa) and Breast Surgeons of Australia and New Zealand (BreastSurgANZ), dealing with controversial issues in breast.    It was an excellent conference with many great speakers.  The hard part was getting to all the sessions that I wanted to attend.  It was also great to connect with many breast care nurses from around Australia to provide information regarding our new My Journey Online tool that will be live as of Monday 22 October.

The metastatic breast cancer forum was held on Saturday 13 October and was well attended.  A great panel of speakers presented at this information forum.  Rosie will be collating a summary of the key points from this day.  Once available I will post online.  The Young Women’s conference was held on Sunday 14 October and this also was a great success. This was webcasted and will be available online by the end of next week.

Don’t forget that tomorrow Saturday 20 October is Male breast Cancer Awareness Day.  BCNA will be busy as we have some posts going out via social media to raise awareness regarding male breast cancer.

We are also aware of a special article on male breast cancer which will be in the Herald Sun tomorrow which we will share on Facebook.

We also wrote a social post with Rob Fincher and Rod Ritchie on MensHealth FB site which will be up tomorrow and which we will provide a link to via social media.  

Community Highlights

1. A time capsule for my nauseated friends great post by @Summer Prevails encouraging everyone to keep going especially when the going gets tough

2. Unspoken thoughts great thread commenced by @Blossom1961, if only we could speak our true mind

3. Creative Corner! There are some fantastic works of art and craft included in this post, great paintings posted recently by @kitkatb and photos by @kmakm

Community News


Geelong Information Forum Thursday 25 October

We will be holding a free information forum in Geelong on Thursday 25 October. We hope you will join us to hear from experts about:

  • updates in breast surgery and how to navigate your follow-up care
  • emotional impact of breast cancer
  • lymphoedema management
  • exercise and breast cancer – what, why and how.

You will also be able to hear Raelene Boyle's personal story and connect with others diagnosed with breast cancer.

For more information and to register, click here.


Whyalla Information Forum Wednesday 14 November

We will be holding a free information forum in Whyalla on Wednesday 14 November. We hope you will join us to hear from experts about:

  • the latest in breast surgery and how to navigate your follow-up care
  • the emotional impact of breast cancer
  • lympheodema management
  • exercise and breast cancer – what, why and how.

You will also be able to hear Raelene Boyle's personal story and connect with others diagnosed with breast cancer.

For more information and to register, click here.

Lovely Lady Lump by Lana Schwarcz

Any members in Sydney who are up for a laugh might want to go and see a very clever BCNA member who has turned her experience into a side splitting show. 

Lovely Lady Lump by Lana Schwarcz. 

In 2014 Lana was diagnosed with breast cancer, so she went and wrote some jokes...and those jokes became her internationally awarded show Lovely Lady Lump!

You can read all about Lovely Lady Lump and Festival Fatale here:

There are 2 free tickets available for the show.  All you have to do is send an email and add BCNA LLL in the subject line.  Winner drawn Tuesday.


Add in the subject line:  BCNA LLL


One our own online network members has released her 3rd album which is receiving rave reviews.

Jackie's latest work echoes much of her breast cancer journey - The cover which depicts her single mastectomy is particularly beautiful! 

Check it out -

Hoping you all have a wonderful weekend, take care everyone

Regards Giovanna

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hello @Patti J
    Thank you for you post.  The summary of the MBC forum is currently in progress.  We will hopefully have this up online by the end of this week. 

  • Hi @Giovanna_BCNA. Could you please tell me when we will be given the synopsis of the metastatic breast cancer forum?
  • Hello @Patti J
    Thank you for your post.   I understand your disappointment that the metastatic breast cancer forum on Saturday was not videoed.  My understanding is that BCNA are planning to record more live forums in future and your request has been noted.
    regards Giovanna
  • @Giovanna_BCNA. I note that the Young Women's  Conference was webcasted...
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