Why not join the Living with metastatic private group? Access group via the link here.

Metastatic Group

Diagnosed today with Mets have tried to join group numerous times with no luck.


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    @Giovanna_BCNA can someone help @BoraBora join the metastatic group .
    @BoraBora so sorry to hear your diagnosis. 
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @BoraBora thank you for your post, I have sent  you a request to join the metastatic breast cancer group
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    So sorry to hear of your diagnosis, @BoraBora   My thoughts are with you xx

  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    I also have just had news of cancer in my lymph nodes.....how can I join the metastatic group.  

  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @LITHGOW1950
    Im am sorry to hear the news that your cancer has spread.  Sending you a request to join the Metastatic breast cancer group now.  Please dont hesitate to call our helpline if you require any support or information.
    Kind regards Giovanna
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    sorry to hear of your diagnosis 
    best wishes and hope you find support in the Living with metastatic cancer group
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    oh that's heart breaking!
    best wishes and hope you find support in the Living with metastatic cancer group
    take care
  • BoraBora
    BoraBora Member Posts: 49
    @LMK74 @arpie @iserbrown really appreciate your support. Not sure what is meant by Giovanna sending request to join group. Received her email but no links?  Pressing join has no effect-I’m obviously not the most computer literate!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    @Giovanna_BCNA  - maybe you can help @BoraBora

    Oh dear - computers are designed to confuse or frustrate - and do it VERY WELL!!  ;)   I reckon Giovanna will get you sorted ok!   ;)    xx  All the best for your ongoing treatment. xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Has she joined you up already? Click on the group name and see if it let's you in otherwise hopefully when Giovanna is on line next she'll help you 
    Take care 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Just wondering if you are newly diagnosed with positive nodes. This is often considered as locally advanced...rather than stage 4. Many women are successfully treated with this diagnosis.  Perhaps if you discuss yourself in more detail we can support you better. My niece had 10 positive nodes and is cancer free 16 years later.  Kath x
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Sorry I had read tbe wrong post amongst the responses. I hope you have the support you need in tbe metaststic group.
  • BoraBora
    BoraBora Member Posts: 49
    @iserbrown still won’t let me in-hopefully will be sorted soon.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803

    In the meantime if you wanted to tell us on here or start a new thread on here with a little detail others will come on and support you.  Hopefully the gremlins that make links and things a little off colour will be up and running and then you can natter in private with others similar to you

    Take care
  • BoraBora
    BoraBora Member Posts: 49
    @iserbrown not even sure what I’m after-just thought metastatic group might have discussion/threads that might help. Don’t have consult with oncologist/respiratory physician until next Thursday so don’t have any real detail. Had biopsy of lymph node/mass (GP was not sure) in neck that came back positive for cancer (she said they did not have all the pathology but enough for positive result.) Also my lungs/breathlessness very bad so expecting similar finding.
    Thank you x