radiation / nausea and fatigue!?

starsparkles Member Posts: 6
edited August 2018 in General discussion
hi i had lumpectomy  6th june   -left breast-  (grade 1 ductal carcinoma) 1 lymph node removed  (hadnt spread there)
6 weeks later im having 3 weeks and 2 days radiation 
 I know im extremely lucky to have got it so early and feel like bit of a lightweight!
 as after 8 days treatment im feeling quite nauseous (that and fatigue hit in the arvos...)

anyone else have nausea with radiation.
I know what im going through is NOTHING compared to what alot of other people are going through!


  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    Hi @starsparkles, I had no nausea with my radiation treatment. I had six  weeks of radiation. Let your radiation team know as they may give you something for it.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,314
    Hi @starsparkles

    I had similar surgery tho had 3 nodes removed .... followed by radiation for 4 weeks (including booster.) 

    I don't recall feeling nauseous or any excess fatigue ..... I was still able to get out & kayak fish when I wanted, tho my sleep was pretty disrupted thru a variety of reasons.  

    Absolutely, make sure you tell your Rad Onc Specialist AND the Rad Nurses that you are not feeling well ..... they may need to reassess your regime.

    Be kind to yourself .... rest up when you need to .....  take care

    I hope you are feeling better soon xxx
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    That makes 3 - no nausea for me - had lumpectomy and 16 rounds radiotherapy 2017 .Fatigue hit and hard AFTER radiotherapy ended for about a week.Please talk to your medical team as they may need to reassess your treatment.I know anaesthesia knocks you around for quite a while and can cause those symptoms as can real flu.
  • JoeyLiz
    JoeyLiz Member Posts: 339
    @starsparkles so sorry your feeling so nauseous, we wouldn't expect nausea to be a side effect of breast radiation as we are not in that area (radiation side effects are very site specific) it could simply be the fact that you are going through such a tumultuous event and this is how your body is responding. Definitely mention it to the staff and ask to see the nurses tomorrow so they can get you some relief and also if something else is at play.
    Keep in touch and hope you feel better soon x
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    @lrb_03 great redirect for @starsparkles. Just thought I’d let you know @JoeyLiz is a radiographer as well as having had breast cancer.
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Hi @starsparkles I think Joey Liz may have identified the possible core issue of your nausea. I have been having herceptin infusions, CT Scans, Heart scans and taking Anastrozole for seven years. A few weeks ago a biopsy revealed a recurrence under the masectomy scar tissue and I am to start radiation treatment soon. Since hearing of the recurrence I have felt 'off colour' and a bit 'spacey' in the form of making mistakes in my diary and short term memory problems, also decrease in appetite. I knew something was not quite right so I phoned a counsellor with the WA Cancer Council and felt very reassured by her words, 'Beryl, its been seven years! Let's think about that!' From what I've learned about radiation on this discussion list your nausea could be both physical and pyschological. I agree, talk this over with the nurses and if the nausea continues then maybe your GP and/or counsellor. Over the years I have had 'talks' with the hospital chaplain and mostly its been about negotiating life with a serious health issue. I always come away feeling a bit 'lighter'.
    Please let us know how you are getting on. xBeryl
  • starsparkles
    starsparkles Member Posts: 6
    Thank you everyone for your time and advice.
    i had told nurse/dr bout nausea! I got some meds but only taken bout 4 over the whole 3 Nd half weeks!
    i come to the conclusion that the nausea is a reaction to fatigue! If I don’t rest then nausea kicks in! (can’t help myself I was carrying on like normal!!) lol
    last day of treatment today yippee
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @starsparkles Brilliant!! Well done YOU!

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Last day for you! Woohoo!
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hey, @starspakles I know you're now finished and I hope you're going well.  I just thought I would add to this thread in case someone else comes looking for some answers.  I am having radiation at the moment and one of the things I was told in the review clinic the other day is that it can cause feelings of indigestion.  Now, I struggled with indigestion and reflux all through chemo and it had only started to settle down before radiation but it can make you feel quite nauseous.  I'm now back on the Nexium full-time and taking the Ativan on occasion as the nausea is back.  Not as bad, but definitely there - fuelled, I think, by both fatigue and by laying down.