Stomach cording

Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
edited July 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Hi all, I had lat dorsi reconstruction 3 months ago. Developed a long cord like structure in my stomach on the right hand side near my rib. It's probably about 10cm long. It hurts when I stretch out. And it's painful only sometimes, like a stinging sensation.
Anyone else please?????


  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    I'm sorry you're having this issue at the moment. While it's not something I've got experience with, having had a lumpectomy, I do have issues with breast lymphoedema and scarring. My lymphoedema therapist has a massage therapist workiing with her, with lymphoedema qualifications. Just wondering if it might be worth you finding someone like that. This therapist works magic with scar release. 
    To find someone in your area, check this link to the Australasian Lymphology Association website

    Hope this helps
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks so much!
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Scar tissue can form from  any surgery and cause issues. I believe they can use laser to divide it if it becomes more of issue. Exercise and stretches might also help it naturally.