Beach Therapy

Sister Member Posts: 4,961
Some of you might have seen the photo of my marsupial encounter yesterday when I manage my first good walk since the end of AC.  This morning I made it almost 4km as the sun was coming up. Freezing cold out there but only in thongs to protect my feet from shell cuts.  The other amazing thing is, that even in the cold, 2 days of no shoes seems to have backed of the neuropathy a little. Or maybe just a coincidental illusion...
Photos are out of time sync but don't know how to switch them on my phone!


  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I like to take a folding chair and a fishing rod at night and just sit on the beach. The stars at night are amazing. I have been sidelined a bit on the walking as I sprained my foot a week ago. Hoping to get back in to it soon.

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I hope you're back walking soon @Brenda5.  I've just come back from a paddle in the kayak  - far-sighting of a dolphin in the horizon but it disappeared when a fishing boat went out.  Chilly on the toes when launching but so beautiful on the water in the sunshine. I can't believe how energetic I've been today.  It'll be nice to be tired from real activity and not just a side effect of chemo.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,320
    WONDERFUL pics, @sister - that first one is an award winner, I reckon!   How can that not revive the soul?  How lovely seeing the dolphin & getting out in the yak!  YAY!

    WELL DONE on your big walks!!   (My toes would drop off in cold if only wearing thongs!)  I may Pedal that far & beyond tho  ;)   

    I think you'll find that the walks will do you a power of good for sleeping as well. xx

    @Brenda5   .... I hope your sprained foot heals soon .... elevate the wounded limb when you are sitting ..... maybe strap it a bit or have one of those elastic ankle things on just to help it xxx

  • Rosie_BCNA
    Rosie_BCNA Member Posts: 217
    These pictures are just beautiful @Sister. You can sense the peace and awe inspired by being in nature! Thanks for sharing
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Gorgeous pic!!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Stunning shots!
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    High tide this morning looks absolutely fabulous. The sun is out and that sneaky cold breeze is keeping low for now. I would love to take my kayak out but its sort of in dry dock atm while I install a fishfinder and one part is on back order. Good thing about winter in Qld is we do have quite a few really lovely days.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    So envious - we're back to wet and freezing.  Onc was pleased this morning that I got out walking and paddling!  In the chair at present having No 11 Taxol.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Another on just about done @Sister xo
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Onya @Sister. I'm SO stoked for you that the end of chemo is in sight.  :*  K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Tantalisingly close!  I had an interesting discussion with the onc yesterday that I started to write here but decided it was way too long and possibly shouldn't be hidden away so gave it it's own post.