Rest in peace Cheryl

I dont know about others but the news about Cheryl has really knocked the wind out of me really brings it home just how fragile our lives are when confronted with cancer.
I dont know where she lived just NSW but I hope her family will know we will all miss her terriblly.
It seems just when you think things are maybe on the up some one kicks you in the guts and brings you back down.
Well we are less one sister but she will live on in our memories.. a beautiful lady!
Were'nt we all very lucky to have meet and been some part of Cheryle's life!
Very sad news and thinking of all her family and friends at this time.
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...I have fought the good fight to the end; I have run the race to the finish; I have kept the faith.... 2 Jun 4:7
Cheryle really did fought a good fight...she run her own race being involved with BCNA by participating the Community Liaison training, We the Fun Time Girls were very fortunate to have meet Cheryle during our training. We always remember her and keep the memories of our FUN TIME together in our hearts. Sleep Well with your God and God Bless you Cheryle. Thanks for being you. You will always be in my prayers.