Bugger me....

Kylie71 Member Posts: 2
I started my journey over a year ago 3/11/16 (i wish i could go back to life before) what a trip it has been. Im struggling the last couple of weeks badly. I know there are women who's journey is a hell of alot bumpier than mine but self pity has taken over.  I have dealt with surgery partial masectomy chemo radiation and life i thought i was dealing with the ANASTROZOLE and weight only to be told i should change to tamoxifen as they think chemo has given false menopause readings and my age(46) as well and my periods were regular at the start of chemo.

P.s sorry for ramblings had a couple of drinks to try and calm me but seem more anxious


  • Payne
    Payne Member Posts: 150
    Hi @Kylie71.  Sorry you are going through a hard time.  My journey also started 3/11/16.  Lumpectomy, axillary clearance , chemo and radio.  When you are feeling down it doesn't always help to remember that others are having a far worse time of it.   I can remember going along, just coping, then suddenly fall in a heap. Could you have a chat with your oncology nurses/oncologist as maybe feelings are attributed to the medication I didn't have those drugs but other ladies on this site have or are on them and will soon jump in to offer advice.  Best wishes to you. Sue 

  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Kylie71, the reason they will change you to Tamoxifen is because if you are premenopausal Tamoxifen gives a better chance of stopping recurrence. I've been on it now for 18months and had a blood test in October that showed I've now been pushed into menopause but my oncologist said you can swing between being premenopausal and menopausal for around 2 years so I'm to stay on Tamoxifen until July (2 yr mark) and then change to an aromatase inhibitor. Tamoxifen still covers you if you go into menopause but an AI won't cover you if you swing back to being premenopausal. So even with side effects I'm happy to be on Tamoxifen. And I like you start to get a bit anxious when I think of changing to another medication and what the side effects may be. But who knows we could both be far better off on the other medications. Best of luck with it and let us know how you're getting on. Xx 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I get how confusing this is and the "what next" moment but it does get better. Hang in there. I started to wonder if I would ever feel like me again around 12 month mark and slowly slowly my life returned to my new normal. Forever changed that we are...but a life worth fighting for. Kath x
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    I hear you @Kylie71, I kept saying I just want my old life back.... I'm not on any meds as was triple negative but I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. I have seen a psychologist a couple of times who specialises in super special people like us. That did help a bit I think.
    Survivorship is hard... Hugs xx
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there @Kylie71 I finished chemo oct 16 and if you click on my name you will see I had my last meltdown only last week so don’t worry love you are not alone. Thinking of you. Margie xx
  • Kylie71
    Kylie71 Member Posts: 2
    Thank you all am feeling alot better it does help to know you are not alone xxx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Glad to hear you are feeling better @Kylie71, this forum is great to get support and read about others. 

  • Rachwllms
    Rachwllms Member Posts: 22
    I feel exactly the same. I just want my old, super busy crazy life back. I'm sick of being so tired all the time.  
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I know t seems like forever, but things will get better. Counselling can certainly help. I had some long term side effects that had me wondering about how achieve-able my old -  "super busy and crazy" - life was. Counselling helped me recognize I was handling cancer fine, but that my super busy crazy life was more fun if I stopped imagining I was the only staff member capable of doing things, not working 10 - 12 hour days, and failing to look after my own enjoyment and (p)leisure time. It changed my life (counseling not cancer!) for the better. We all start off wanting our old lives back, because it's what we know and cancer is worse. But you can make it a means of improving your life, if you are lucky and determined. Best wishes.
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