New Shrink.

Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
That Poor Woman is taking a well earned break and I've just seen the stand in. Humph. Yes, anyone with any experience with mental health would expect some degree of resistance from the patient. Sadly, after an hour with this individual, I'm not happy. Predictably I don't think I'm the only one at fault.

Over the years I've tried a variety of medications to keep my wheels on the road; spending twenty minutes arguing about whether or not Melatonin gives me nightmares--it does-- was not a good start. Determination that I revisit  a drug that saw me put on 20 kgs and made me manic, or another that made me throw up all day, or another that made me feel like I was underwater made for a tense session. 

Eventually this genius decided that mindfulness was the answer. Just find some meaning in your life. FFS, years at school and that's it.

You know what would give me meaning? Being able to get my independence back. I can't do a job that doesn't involve my brain, because my body doesn't work. I can't sit at a desk because my brain doesn't work.

I've decided that I can at least entertain myself and give this numpty a run for their money. Under other circumstances I'd give their complacent arse the flick, but these aren't other circumstances. I'll bet they have gone to the trouble and inconvenience of reading my file before the next ,and last, appointment. Humph.



  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I am eternally grateful that my brief sojourn with a counsellor was productive and the right fit. A colleague was strongly recommended to seek help after the prolonged and utterly dismal illness and death of her partner. She had supported him selflessly through an unending search for a cure, denial, collapse and was near collapse herself. Her first foray resulted in being asked to complete a 26 page questionnaire which in essence was delving through her entire life and childhood to discover what trauma was now affecting her. WTF? Apparently loss, grief and misplaced guilt (she finally told him there was no more treatment possible) was too simple. Go for the entertainment value. Numpty is such a good word!
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    From many of your past posts you would make a very good shrink, better than who my daughters had and from some of the ladies talking.  You seem to get the root of the problem, then straight to the point, sensible advice, with a bit of humour.  I'd say you've done everything you can to help yourself, so its pretty hard to give you advice. I can just hope that your health keeps improving and you get a job that you like.  One foot in front of the bloody other.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2017
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Aw thanks @HIT . Yep. Just keep plodding. Xxx
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  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited October 2017
    Hmmm!  Perhaps one doesn't really need to keep going?  I guess you feel you need to talk it out without burdening those near and dear however, the quality of what is on offer is questionable from your post!  Is this a temporary fill in? The Poor Woman as you refer to, will return?  In the meantime at least you've got us to vent without judgment!  Take care

    Image result for numpty image
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    In  all therapy you have to connect with the person. If after a second appointment you are not feeling it...might be worth exploring finding another. 
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    My first one at the Cancer Centre was fantastic, very focussed and helpful in getting me focussed on achieving the goals I was needing help with.
    She moved on and I briefly saw another, I am sure she was proficient, but we just didn't gel.
    I have seen quite a few psychologists over the years and I know what I am looking for, someone who gets ME.
    I am seeing a new one tomorrow, so we will see how we go.
    I am getting old and crabby, and my patience wears thin at times, especially as I am in the final weeks of radiation, so I hope we can work well together, I have quite a few issues to work through!
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  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited October 2017
    Ha @Joannie. Given the quantity of gold jewellery on display, money would be a consideration. There was a brief foray into perception of power, or, in my case powerlessness. 

    My dilemma is that previously I've been able to think, fight or f%*# myself out of trouble or into a position of power. Not options that are currently available. Shocked? You shouldn't be. Thus have humans, and animals, behaved, forever.

    The numpty appeared quite confronted  that I would admit using sex, or my appearance, as a tool. Using my pysicality or intellect was sort of OK, though, apparently I need to dial down  my desire to slap fools. That I wasn't born old sick and verging on disabled did not seem to compute. That I was ripping my way through a wild and wide life before they were even, as grandma used to say, 'a gleam in your daddas' eye' wasn't considered.

    This person is supposed to be a mental health professional. Pursed lips and disaproving body language coupled with the  'I can prescribe this pill' attitude made me turn norty. That Poor Woman makes me a cup of tea and talks about nesting behaviour in birds when I get aerated. Phhffft.
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  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hi @Zoffiel
    Bloody hell - a few years training and they treat their ''patients'' like s bit of the paper they use to write on !
    I guess we have to seek someone with their own ''life experience'' and I do agree with @Afraser that they have to be the right fit or it won't work.  If they sit there with a critical view or condescending attitude it won't work.
    Despite reservations I allowed a case worker to refer me to one - she rang yesterday and I was in the Dr waiting room so asked if we could talk later in the day or tomorrow (i.e. today) - yep, you've guessed it, no call.  I do not expect one now.  Ho hum.
    As you say, most of us are normally able to help ourselves but at the time we do reach out we would hope to get better service.
    Keep up your sense of humour, though.
    Summer   :)
  • HIT
    HIT Member Posts: 261
    Oh boy, oh boy I so wish I could of witnessed that.    Maybe you could write a book, "Human Nature for dummies" and present it to the numpty.  Have to ask though the Poor Woman and nesting behaviour in birds, WTF??
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    It's about getting me off my high horse and thinking about my behaviour, Pam. TPW and I are both storytellers. If you look at what you are doing, and compare it to how birds, dogs, horses or cattle would appear under the same circumstances you can get a bit of empathy with yourself and understand that you are not necessarily mad, but you are prone to default to factory settings. Which may not be very sophisticated.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    According to a poll about a decade ago, numpty was then Scotland's favourite word. Whatever the origin (debated) it is associated with general idiocy and windbaggery. It is frequently used there in connection with the Scottish Parliament., as in "thae pollie numpties". Delicious.