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Feeling Ill

Tennille Member Posts: 174
I have mets to liver and bones and I am 1 week post twice daily radiation treatment on my level 3 lymph nodes. I have also just stopped taking Dex which I took for a month. In the last few days I have been waking up feeling like I want to throw up and I have also had a bit of an upset stomach. My question is, is it likely to be the liver mets,post radiation or dex withdrawals making me feel like this?


  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Big Huggs Tennille see gp ?. Blood urIne test maybe best to contact onc could be stomach bug or just your body ..chemo does effect digestive enzymes and cell lining of tract ..sometime taking probiotic or yoghurt can assist in restarting stomach and digestive enzymes.check body temp ? All best bright
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Meant to refer to rads not chemo  also you could have low blood cell count so best to see gp/onc
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Cheery news :(

    I loathed Dex and it was a new addition to the whole production since I last had chemo ten years ago. It made me grindy and hungry and sleepless and just BLAHHH. Who knows if taking it for a month would be long enough to cause a kick-back when you stop. Knowing our luck, it would. If that is the problem, logically it should sort itself out. Or not. This shit can drive you bonkers

    A quote from Dr Google for you; best bet would be ask a real-life doctor or your BC nurse

    Steroid use withdrawal: tapering the drug gives the adrenal glands time to return to their normal patterns of secretion. Withdrawal symptoms and signs (weakness, fatigue, decreased appetite, weight loss, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain)

  • Scooper
    Scooper Member Posts: 113
    Hi Tennille.  Did you wean off the dex?  This could be part of the problem.  Also having radiation can give you these
    side effects for a while afterwards.  I would be gentle on the tummy, eat what you can and give it a few days.  If it has not improved go and see your G.P. 
    With warmest wishes

  • Tennille
    Tennille Member Posts: 174
    I was put on the dex for a month and was prescibed 4 tabs per day but only took 1 as that was more than enough. I was cut down to half a tab for 3 days then half a tab bi daily for 3 days. My last day being Saturday and my last rads was last Tuesday. Totally feel like I have been hit by a bus this time round. Hope its npt the Letrozole causing issues as I need to be on it for a clinical trial I am going on.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    It could be all of it causing issues so I would recommend discussing with your team just be sure. Hope it settles very soon. 
  • Bbbcm
    Bbbcm Member Posts: 53
    Was on dex, hated it was hungry and tired all the time.  Came off slowly and found some of the side effects worse than being on it. Hopefully you will feel better the longer you are off it.