Cost of radiation

Member Posts: 6 ✭
Hi, so a few weeks ago I had a lumpectomy and a couple of nodes removed, was told the surgery went well. It was high grade DCIS, told that I will only need radiation, I was treated in the QLD public system even though I do have cover. They suggested I do my radiation at Springfield or in Brisbane,,,but I opted for Toowoomba as it is closest to me and still over an hour away plus I am wanting to stay on at work. I was contacted today by St Andrews at Toowoomba and told I will have to pay, first visit $200 get $72 back from Medicare...Bit worried now as I am low income,,,and wandering what will the whole treatment cost ?
I have private health insurance but went public for radiation the final bill was over $8000 but I did notpay Medicare covered it all. Perhaps ask for an estimate befor0
Sorry I meant to add you don't want any surprises at the end hope all goes well for you. Adean
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Yes, I tried to as that question but was told they couldn't tell me that till my consultation which is 2 weeks away, said treatments vary between patients. I rang my health fund and I am covered for cancer and radiation as long as the hospital class it as inpatient, have to pay 500 excess and there could be other costs such as pathology etc,,,, So annoyed don't want to have to wait 2 weeks and get told some huge amount, and then have to start the referral process all over again0
@ann210 Perhaps ask for a second opinion in the public system. I saw a private doctor and fee out of pocket would be about $2000 dollars. I went public because no cost. I also went public closer to my home and I liked the hospital.
In your case you have to factor in living away expenses if you have treatment a long way away. Your goal maybe to work however with long travel time plus treatment itself you will become fatigued.
Everyone is different but I have not met anyone who has not experienced high levels of fatigue with radiation. Radiation is daily and not always on time. good luck with your decision.
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@ann210 I've always been a private patient, however for radiation in 2011 I went public, I remember paying some upfront but then I got it back. For Chemo I went Private in 2015 and all lumpectomies too. My reconstruction in Feb this year and mastectomy however I went Public, but used my Private Surgeon and Breast Surgeon as they work in Public too. x With private Im always out of pocket, although chemo I wasn't apart from my Onc visits as have a health care card so all scans, tests were free. Hugs Melinda xo
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Just looking online and see that St Andrews Toowoomba have the R O C radiation treatment team there and that is the public branch of Genesis so definitely ask about the rate for you as a low income earner. The travel is huge when you have to do it every day - especially for six weeks. John Flynn on the Gold Coast do radiation at night which could be worth asking about if its done either in Brisbane or Toowoomba...... My friend used to go have the radiation about 7;30pm then go home and go to bed and sleep which gave her body the ultimate rest and ability to heal. Just food for thought....1
I am a bit worried about fatigue,,which is why I wanted Toowoomba. Springfield is about another 20 minutes and no options for accommodation if I find I cant handle travel and work. I'm allowing a 3 to 3 1/2 round trip,,,Doing my head in really
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@ann210 I haven't been tired, but thats not to say you won't. Im not sure if you are able to get accom subsided but I have found we need to ask for everything as there are things available but we are not ALL told about. bcna have a kit they send out - Breastscreen have kits they organise for us and bcna can organise a Berlei bra for us and maybe they will know about accom and other facilities for people outside cities. Ask everyone - cannot hurt to hear no, as usually people will refer you to someone who will know. YOU are important - YOU deserve whatever is available for a person with BC. Look after yourself and I hope you are able to have the radiation with MINIMAL change to your SELF and pocket.1
@ann210 I would also ask the hospitals for accom options while doing radiation. In Melbourne at Peter Mac you can stay in apartments at the hospital I dont know whats available where you are. The radiation department may be able to have suggestions.
I am not suggesting travel is not doable but rather explore everything. I found only towards the end of treatment that I became very fatigued. I am presuming it will be six weeks and the time will fly. Pity it is so disruptive to your normal routine.
It will work out but lots to do best wishes0 -
The cost of rads can be prohibitive. Like thousands of dollars if they don't bulk bill or of the relevant state govt doesn't cover the gap--which is what happens in Albury, for example.0
You would be entitled to iptaas or pats allowance. ..or whatever called in your state. It can provide assistance with travel costs and accommodation. If needing 5 day stays they can bill directly most it's just meal costs, then you claim back your travel costs. Anymore than 50km from nearest treatment centre I believe you are entitled. Most areas have accommodation for people undergoing treatment. Bc nurse may know or cancer council also. Radiotherapy department also.
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I have decided to go to Spingfield. I have contacted the Marter Private Hospital Sprinfield and they do bulk bill so no cost to me at all, unfortunately because the hospital and the suburb is so new there is no accommodation. That's ok cause I really need to stay on at work, just not to keen on all the travel. I am told the private hospital is excellent being just over 1 year old. And I will try for a travel allowance,,,thanks for all the advice.0