Newly diagnosed

Cyclo Member Posts: 56
hi everyone I was diagnosed just before Xmas 2016 and had surgery x 2 and radiotherapy x 16 which I finished 7 weeks ago.  I've managed to work with the exception of some time off post surgery for axillary dissection. .  I'm a hard worker and keen cyclist and have been very surprised at how much more difficult working and cycling post treatment has been.  I've cut back my work hours and struggle to cycle more than one hour per session.  This might seem a lot but it's a lot less than pre bc  levels. It's been helpful reading everyone's comments so I thought I would come out of the shadow and say hi


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    7 weeks is such a short time. You've had 2 major surgeries and radiotherapy which does result in cell death. Give it time. A couple more weeks and hopefully things will be better. I have found though if getting really  tired I just needed a week off exercise, lots of rest and early nights. Amazing how much more energy I had after I did that. 
  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    Hi there I too was diagnosed before Xmas 2016 I have had surgery and finished radiation 8 weeks ago which I had awful burns.. 
    i still can't believe what has happened these last 6 months my life has changed in so many ways.. i left my husband of 10 years 6 weeks ago something I would not of done pre cancer.. he was so unsupportive during my diagnosis and treatment.. 
  • Cyclo
    Cyclo Member Posts: 56
    It sounds like you have had a very tough time.  Leaving your marriage in the midst of bc must take a lot of courage.  Hope you're ok. I was hoping my life would go back to what it used to be before bc but seems unlikely, for now anyway. I've reduced my work hours and quite some committees I was involved in. My mum age 82 was diagnosed a week after me and had her mastectomy the same day as my axillary.  So while we live separately we try and support each other.  Hope you have support and are managing ok 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi @Cyclo and welcome to the site. Sorry that you've joined us but very nice you feel ready to come out of the shadow and chat. Gosh you and your mum have had a time of it. How hard to both be going through diagnosis and treatment at the same time (but in another way you most certainly would get what each other was talking about).  I personally think that one hour per session cycling (and I bet it's not just a relaxed slow pedal!!) is pretty fantastic. And as Kath @primek said cutting back or even giving yourself a couple of smaller training rides throughout the week may be beneficial. Wishing both you and your mum all the best and lovely that you've introduced yourself. Xx Cath
  • fairydust
    fairydust Member Posts: 290
    @Cyclo I am also amazed at my lack of energy. Sometimes I have a surge of energy . The next day exhausted.I get terribly confused. Things I could do with ease I now cant. I still think I am the same as pre bc but I am not. It is taking a while for me to come to terms with it. At this stage I have only finished all treatment 2 months ago. So looking forward to my energy levels rising. They say  time heals all .I hope so.
  • Jane-Altona
    Jane-Altona Member Posts: 39
    Hi Cyclo, I am a runner. My running program pre bc was usually about building to a marathon so the training was long & intense. Post treatment I was able to get back to running but about 4 months in I felt I was not improving or able to do what I did before ie the length & intensity. I ended up going to an excercise physiologist. I basically needed an 'all of body overhaul' to get me back to 'me'. It's been a huge help. I still don't have all of my speed back & still do feel different but I'm now able to train for the Berlin marathon in Sept. X Jane
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524
    @cyclo Welcome!! glad you jumped in to say HI :) 

    Radiotherapy is cumulative so for at least 2 weeks after you finish the fatigue is horrendous, and my radiologist made me take 2 weeks off as I worked all the way through. My body was wrecked, I did recover though. I find since my recurrence and having Chemo the road back is exactly as you are experiencing right now. I can't do alot but am building everyday, I had to learn to walk again. I notice even now, I still have pain throughout, my legs and feet. I too like @Jane-Altona see an Exercise Physiologist who has had to build me from the ground up again. Its been amazing but there was NO WAY I couldve just started exercising, I needed professional rehabilitation and highly recommend it to anyone on the road to recovery to get started back into exercise.  It will get better but may take some time. Hugs Melinda xo