So Tired

Cate64 Member Posts: 446
Hello Girls, I hope you all have a great Easter & ate way too much chocolate. :)

We had friends arriving on Good Friday from Canberra so I was madly cleaning the guest room & bathroom in readiness, they arrived & we all went off to see RockWiz at Hamer Hall, a lovely time was had by all. Our guests went home Saturday lunch time & for the rest of the break I lay on my bed having a Medium DvD marathon, I was sooooooo tired, kept nodding off for an hour at a time....... I have never slept so much in my life!! 

Has anybody experienced anything like that???


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Yes. Just don't have the stamina back still.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    Takes time to get back......just take it one day at a time, and allow for those tired moments. Xxx Trace
  • angg66
    angg66 Member Posts: 188
    Yes @Cate64 i know what you mean. I've been very tired for about a week now. With the kids being on school holidays and Easter, I've felt very tired and sleeping lots. I went for a long walk today to get some exercise after the foodfest that was Easter. By late afternoon I was exhausted! I think I will have to mention it to my oncologist when I see him next in May. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited April 2017
    Tired is the new black.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Cate absolutely, mine comes in waves, somedays worse than others but I never had this happen prior to chemo. I noticed when I was working Id get to like 1.30-2pm and I hit a wall and felt I needed to lay down and sleep, so debilitating. I just keep finding ways to help myself I guess as much as I can, rest when I need to. Mind you it helps whilst Im still on LWOP recovering from surgery, but Im really wary of going back to work. I have another 6 weeks off and am really going to get full on into exercise now and get as good as I can be and see if I think I could handle my gruelling job. Ive sort of lost my motivation for it, so after this year time for a change in passion I feel. So listen to your body rest up!! 

    Did you say Medium you were watching?? x
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    @melclarity I find if I force myself to get up have a shower & just get on with it I kinda snap out of it but over the Easter weekend I just gave in to it & laid there  - yes - watching Medium (after I went out & bought the entire series because I suddenly had the desire to watch it) & sleeping & watching Medium & sleeping.... did that from Sat to Mon, though Jon did get me up & take me for coffee @ our local coffee shop after which I promptly put my jamas back on & went back to bed... lol...

    Back at work now & feel fine.......
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I think its actually great for you to give into it sometimes, I agree that I too can have a shower if I have to get moving and going and I will manage. But it feels great to stop sometimes and guess its just what the body needs in that moment! 

    I used to watch Medium long ago, I didnt know you were into that stuff?? lol I love it!! 

    Enjoy work!! I have to say I dont miss it yikes LOL so looking forward to the next 4 weeks at least putting into me in every way. Back at my Exercise Physiologist today, am so pumped!!! yay!!!

    xx M
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    I love Ghost Whisperer as well..... plus NCIS, Bones, Castle, Scorpion & my all time favorite Hawaii Five 0................

    Enjoy your exercise physiologist, I am finding so much support & offers of training help from my parkrunning friends. Two have offered to help me train in order to upgrade to the 10km at the Gold Coast Marathon & when I said my pace is way slower than yours they said doesnt matter we will slow to your pace to help, I feel really blessed to have such support form people, some that I really barely know...
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    That's awesome Cate!!! 

    Aaaah the Ghost Whisperer LOL, I used to love it!!! My Mum used to call me her hahaha. Melinda x
  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Yes I think tiredness comes with the disease. Being on treatment most of the time , seems to zap your energy very quickly. I looked after my grand son for a few hours last week and I felt completely exhausted. I guess being the grand old age of 70 ,I should expect to feel tired.  I was feeling pretty fit before my diagnosis of mets 5yrs ago.  I think we should listen to our bodies and when we need to rest we should do just that.
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    We like the same shows Cate!  I definitely feel the same tiredness. I have posted about fatigue before - it is sooo annoying and the only thing holding me back from returning to normal.
  • Di
    Di Member Posts: 50
    It is refreshing to read all your comments about tiredness. I work full time and four years since my mastectomy chemo and radiation. I changed over from tamoxifen to Arimidix 12 months ago . I find some days I really have to push myself . I don't know if it is mind over matter or the drug. I do suffer from more aches and pains since taking Arimidix. Some days I just want to stop taking it. Would love to hear your thoughts.
    Di xx