Trivia, how do you take your pills?

Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
Probably a bit sad I know but pill taking is still kind of new to me since before I had breast cancer I thought you had to chew panadols, not swallow them whole. Now I take my Tamoxifen, half of a tiny 100mg aspro, two vitamin C tablets, a pro magnesium pill, and a vitamin D3 pill. I like to make a contest of it and see if I can swallow the lot with one mouth full water to wash them down at the same time. Most mornings I am successful and they all go down the gullet at once! How do you like to take your pills?

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  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I have a fair few (many are medically recommended supplements) so I have admitted defeat and got a weekly pill box! Six in the morning in two batches, six pre and post dinner and three at bedtime. I no longer have to take a medication that had to be taken 45 mins before food (hooray, source of delayed dinners). Only some are slightly time critical. 
  • Cate64
    Cate64 Member Posts: 446
    ha ha.... @Brenda5 I take 4 x Xeloda, 2 x Catrate with Vit D & 1 x Vit D each morning, throw them all in my mouth & have a moutful of water & they are gone, at night I only have to take 4 x Xeloda & I do the same thing... Taking tablets isn't a drama for me :)
  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    I am only taking 2 a day, 1 for blood pressure in morning & now Femara at around 6.00pm which I am struggling to remember!
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    I have breakfast then my dessert (pills!!) I am hopeless at taking big tablets, even panadol makes the gag reflex kick in. But I have found a solution
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Grrr half a post on my phone again!
    I take Arimidex, 2 calcium, 2 glucosamine, vitamin C and Magnesium. On Friday I add B12 and D.  I put 3 teaspoons of yoghurt into a little bowl and take one tablet at a time hidden in a teaspoon of yoghurt. Slides down nice and easily! I see my husband swallow a handful of vitamins all in one go and I could cry with envy haha.  Jane xx
  • Harlee
    Harlee Member Posts: 106
    Seriously just the idea of taking multiple pills with only 1 mouthful of water makes me choke!!
    I currently take Arimidex and 4 supplements (Vit B, Vit D, Krill Oil and one for my eyes called Lactritec.)
    I start with a big glass of water and I congratulate myself if I don't need to refill it - currently (after 3 years of practice) have to get a refill probably only twice a week!
    I am in awe of people who can take tablets without copious quantities of liquid. At least I don't have to be concerned about dehydration...
  • nikkid
    nikkid Member Posts: 1,769
    I take a Tamoxifen, Nexium, Vitamin D, Vitamin B and another mineral supplement in the mornings: I take the 3 small tablets together (if I'm feeling lucky) or individually. The Vitamin B and mineral supplement are like horse tablets - I gag simply looking at them. I take a deep breath, then breathe out, put one in my mouth and take a long sip of water, lift my chin up, look at the ceiling and swallow. Repeat.  :)
  • EarthWalkerLisha
    EarthWalkerLisha Member Posts: 74
    Yep I'm afraid I couldn't swallow all of my pills at once. I have 5 pills to take every morning and one at night, plus a couple of supplements, so I drink a Berocca with them, it's my morning routine. I don't really like juice other than orange juice so sometimes I take them with that. So I pop the pill on the back of my tongue and swallow one pill at a time. That way I don't get the taste of the pill, unless of course it doesn't go down and swishes around my mouth
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    I seem to have inherited my mother's capacity to dry swallow, a tiny bit of fluid can carry a lot of pills for me. But the yoghurt trick is a favourite with nurses particularly for older patients who often have a heightened gag response. I am always a bit uncertain about taking a lot together, does fish oil for example have any effect on something else if digested at the same time? I discovered (belatedly) that one medication should not be swallowed with milk (makes it slightly harder to absorb through the stomach). Ah the joys!
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    I take mine of a night time. 1 x tamoxifen, 1 x Vitamin D, 1 x magnesium and a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds. Normally can get them down with 1/4 cup of water so all good.  :)
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I've had to get a daily box as I have different times I need to take mine. So each day has 4 compartments and can be mobile. 

    So I have captopril 1 hour before breakfast and just prior bed as has to be empty stomach. 

    I have in the morning at breakfast  carbemazole for Graves disease, nexium for reflux, caltrate bone and muscle, moclebenide for depression/anxiety. 

    With tea I have another moclebemide (as it works better split ) and letrozole.

    Sad isn't it.  I have the box with morning dose next to my bed and set my alarm for first dose.....and I can only manage 2 tabs at a time.

    Oh...somedays I need panadol osteo...but not as often now. 
  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    I slap mine in my mouth and grab a mouthful of water.  1 tamoxifen, 1 vit d, 1 other prescribed.  Then I brush my teeth :)
  • JanineG
    JanineG Member Posts: 148
    I make up 2 weekly dosette boxs. 1for morning, 1 for night. Morning I take arimidex, 2 panadol Osteo, cattapress, Vit D & magnesium. Night I take cattapress, 2 Panadol Osteo, magnesium, caltrate & vit D. I have an alarm in my phone for 3 pm to take 2 more panadol Osteo. This seems to be working for me. Over 70 tabs weekly!
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    I take my tamoxifen at 11 am.  My great tip is I set an alarm in my mobile phone to remind me to take it.  Otherwise I would often forget.  It's only a small tablet but I find it hard to swallow it, it seems to get stuck in my mouth.  I also take medium at the same time, it goes down easily.  I always drink water wth tablets, not too much water or I might gag. 
  • Karenhappyquilter
    Karenhappyquilter Member Posts: 242
    Nexium not medium 

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