Nearly 12 months on I feel an apology is in order to my sisters on this it did get better

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
To all the newly diagnosed I just want to say hugs and more hugs we have you in our thoughts and totally understand the feelings of disbelief as we have all had them and been there....
But from my heart I want to tell you it does get better and I am so relieved it does and has for me. Looking back I certainly did not handle this well coming from a health fanatic and fitness fanatic the anger I felt for many months consumed me..  only now am I at peace with it and count my blessings not my problems anymore and once again enjoy life way more than before.
I no longer say why me constantly?  Because I truly believe coming to terms with it has a lot to do with the wonderful people on this website which I am not proud to say bore the brunt of my frustrations and despair on more than one occasion and I hope they all accept my sincere apologies for this,however still they ignored it and helped me unconditionally. There is a light at the end of this horrible tunnel but once we accept help and kindness along the journey we come out the other side a new and most grateful person. So hang on in there and get on this truly wonderful website full of ladies that are willing to wrap their understanding cyba arms around us and squeeze us tight. At the time you may not fully understand how important it is but I know now ...... it really is. And I thank all these truly beautiful souls for helping me so much..


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Oh Sam - you made me teary!  I am so happy for you that acceptance has become part of your healing.  You know we are all here helping you through the venting and anger and hopefully the happy times. 
    Ours is not to judge but to envelop in that cyber space the best we can.  Yes it is a so and so that we have the diagnosis BC however we're still here to tell the tale, how good is that!
    Go girl! 
    Take care and sending you a virtual hug xx
  • Hopes_and_Dreams
    Hopes_and_Dreams Member Posts: 766
    Sam, what a heartfelt and honest post. Yes, it brought tears to my eyes as well.  We just don't know how we will react to a cancer diagnosis, it is such a personal thing.  As we travel along we go from disbelief, to anger, challenging ourselves and others and finally to a gradual acceptance and healing. The beautiful thing about that is we are then strong enough to help others just starting out. Sending you a huge hug Sam and wishing you peaceful and happy days.  Jane xx
  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Hopes and dreams...... thank you my cup runneth over... 
  • RNSW
    RNSW Member Posts: 121
    Hi Sam, I so feel your words.... I am a year and a half on and even though I still have my bad days, theres more good then bad. Sending hugs back and wishing you the very best. Thank you for sharing. Cheers Rita xo 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Excellent that you have come to an acceptance and are enjoying your life again. Fear can become all consuming, and so can Strength. Xx
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Welcome back sam09! A good story to share.......