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wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
Has anyone got any secret formular that works for constipation. 
I am on I.V Abraxane which I was on 5 years ago. I was hoping that it would be only for 6 cycles but asking my  oncologist this week ,she couldn't give me an answer. So I take it that I'm  on it for the long haul, while its working. I guess its not too bad , knocks you around for the first couple of days but the constipation can be a real problem.  I try to eat fruit and veges but cant tolerate large meals. I have been taking coloxyl which works if I take 4 a day. Which I try to avoid and only if the constipation is getting worse.  I know it's not a very nice subject but life is a bit miserable at the moment.  On the brighter side my daughter in law came to visit yesterday and before she left she cleaned my bathroom for me and vacuumed through the house. I was very grateful. 


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    You can cope with the big things, it's the little hassles that drive you mad!! Anti nausea medication while having chemo caused constipation. As I wasn't nauseous at all, my oncologist finally stopped them, but in the meantime prunes, prune juice, figs and yoghurt helped a lot. I find a large handful of almonds is useful too. Good luck!
  • MartineB
    MartineB Member Posts: 15

    My naturopath
    was appalled at my ‘regularity’ so she suggested Apple Cider Vinegar.  One teaspoon in a glass of water (quarter
    filled), three times a day, 20mins before meals.  Must say, it does work for me – started off taking
    it twice a day and now down to only once a day, first thing in the
    morning.  I drink this thru a straw to help
    the ‘medicine go down!!!”

    I had
    finished all my treatment when I started this so you may need to check with your
    drs in case the vinegar interferes with any of your medication

    What a
    lovely daughter in law you have :)

    Wishing you success 


  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Constipation oh I remember that painful. I used movicol this helped, I also eat bran on my cereal. now as I'm terrified of being constipated again. Prune juice and phycillan hus ( can't spell that one) you can but from supermarket or chemis.
    Good luckt
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Oh it makes your eyes water doesn't it!  I find apples help!  Raw apple or juice is good for constipation and stewed apple is good for helping settle diarrhoea
    Good luck and wishing you happy days
  • Anniepan55
    Anniepan55 Member Posts: 19
    As I have often found over the years, it's the side effects that can be worse to live with than the cancer. I can't go past stewed prunes and when desperate a few drops of Dulcolax oral liquid solution in a glass of water before bed. works a treat without gripes and pain. I envy you your lovely daughter-in-law, mine live too far away sadly. good luck  :#
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I tried everything when on AC chemo...it was like moving bricks...the only thing that worked was movichol...also available in cheaper generic which works a treat. I took morning and night for 2 to 3 days only then all good after. I always started a dose the day before as per oncogist suggestions. 
  • nelliejs
    nelliejs Member Posts: 20
    I also found Movicol to be effective. The very first time I had chemo, I ended up with what the doctor called a 'plug' (in my bootom). I was truly in agony because I could feel it there but couldn't move it. Someone brought me an enema which didn't work at all and in the end I saw the GP. I don't know which was worse - the pain of the constipation or the doctor inspecting my bottom! Anyway, she said to go home and take two Movicol satchels immediately. If nothing happened then take another two about five hours later. Well, about two hours later I thought I might be able to go and boy, did I go!  The whole lot came out with no pain or trouble. I've been a Movicol fan ever since. It's a softener and doesn't irritate the bowel and give you that feeling that some laxatives can. I think the key is prevention-start taking the Movicol the day of treatment (or even the day before) and don't wait until you are actually constipated. Good luck! 
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    A nurse on Monday actually told me Pear Juice!! now that was something new as Ive always used Coloxyl tablets especially post surgery. Hugs Melinda. xo
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    A dessert spoon of high quality liquid coconut oil a day. My special blend has a herbal infusion, which I probably shouldn't talk about. Anyway, the oil in combination with fruit fibre. I have had no problems with mouth ulcers or oral thrush since I've been doing this, previously both were a problem. It's also a good thing from a dietary perspective when you are not eating as well as usual.and will do you no harm.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    One time not even movicol multiple doses would work so I had a few grains of epsoms salts in water. That shifted it quick but not for the faint hearted.
  • Christina 55
    Christina 55 Member Posts: 56

    Just went to a GP with my husband and he is constipated after hospital.   We got told to try in this order.

    1.  Fibre - take Metamucil - daily.   If that not working.  2. Coloxyl - 2 tabs twice a day

    3. Lactulose - 20mls twice a day   then 4. Movicol satchet - twice a day.

    When I was in hospital, I had an 80 yo woman in the next bed who hadn't been to the toilet for 8 days and her doctor told her to have chewing gum.  (its suppose to have laxative effect).

  • wendy_h67
    wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
    Thank you girls for all your advice. I remember being on movicol 5 years ago when on I.V. chemo. Must get some more. I just want to get this sorted as it looks like I'll be on chemo for a while. Can probably cope with the chemo but the constipation is another story.  At least I'm feeling comfortable at present and don't have chemo again until Valentines day. I intend to live it up this coming week.
  • Anniepan55
    Anniepan55 Member Posts: 19
    All the best Wendy h, have a blast!
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi wendy
    Sounds like movicol is the remedy But water is the key always keep hydrated  good luck 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    I use normocol plus - no gripe pains, 1 teaspoon and I normally allow a 12 hour time frame for it to work. I take the teaspoon with a mouthful of water as it is granular form. All the best. Xx