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Side Effects Herceptin / Perjeta

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
edited February 2017 in Metastatic breast cancer
Hi Lovely Ladies,

Can anyone tell me please if you get sinus problems and headaches from either of the above drugs? Also like Chemo the more rounds you have do you get worse side effects? So far I have been quite lucky and just felt  really tired in the afternoons but lately I have been experiencing bloating, sinus headaches (which I always was pron to prior) on the occassion vomiting and numbness in my lower legs and left arm.  I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced similar?  

Many thanks !  :)


  • Joyeh
    Joyeh Member Posts: 2
    Hi Sam09,
    I experienced headaches, sore throats and flu like symptoms on Herceptin.
    Oncology nurses finally addressed these problems, towards the end of treatment, with painkillers and antihistamine, administered about an hour before my round.This alleviated most of the symptoms during, had sore throats and headaches all through herceptin tho.
    Hope this helps, keep telling them about your symptoms, till they address it, I found that difficult, kept being told herceptin has no side effects.A nurse ended up googling it, ha, yeah!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472


    I haven't had Perjeta but had no symptoms on Herceptin.