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Roller coaster ride

wendy_h67 Member, Dragonfly Posts: 466
Oh no back on the roller coaster ride.  I recently had a bone scan after being on Aromison for about 20 months. Up to this point my cancer had stayed stable but now things have changed. Thoes nasty little cancer bugs have been having a great old time  going crazy and having a party and not even letting me know. Most areas in the bones have had more activity with a couple of new areas in shoulder blade, ribs vertebra and hip area.  There was concern that I  may need surgery to stabilize the hip area. Last week was scan week with MRI and CT scans. I have had one bit of good news from my oncologist that the orthopedic specialist has seen the scans and surgery is not necessary at the moment. I see my oncologist next week when she will let me know what treatment plan is a head. She had been talking about IV chemo.  At this stage I will be glad to get on some treatment and hopefully get back to being stable again. I am greatful for the support I have received from the online network.and my very supportive husband who is busy cooking dinner at the moment. I'm not ready to give up yet. Some days are hard but I am fortune that I reach 70 years old this year which was my first goal post. This week I intend to spend time doing things I love doing before my next oncologist visit.

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  • Mira
    Mira Member Posts: 678
    How dare those naughty cancer bugs have a party without asking you first!  Take care of yourself and have a great week doing the things you love Wendy. 
  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hi Wendy, Glad that surgery isn't required yet and hopefully you will be able to have a cocktail that will give you some good results. Let us know what your treatment plan is. Wishing you all the best. Xx Cath
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    We are very lucky to have you on board supporting so many members Wendy. We will be here to support you all the way. Your husband is amazing and together you are perfect. xx

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