A journey ahead.

pink_pen Member Posts: 10

Hello all, this is my first post...

At 34 years, I felt life was good, happily married, achieved my dream career and blessed to be able to spend time with little daughter.  Life couldn't get much better until my world was turned upside down after being diagnosed with breast cancer on June 6th of this year. The last 4 months has been full of mixed emotions, decisions and things I never thought  I would be faced with. I'm currently having chemotherapy and at the end of this year have to undergo a mastectomy. Family and friends have been amazing and I see a psychologist regularly but I feel like I need to reach out to this amazing network, to help me through. Work is currently on standstill, but I just want to get back to normal, but my hair loss is starting to get the better of me and making me anxious about getting back to work.


  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 59
    Hi there, I am also new to this. I was diagnosed with early breast cancer in the last month and have only had surgery but haven't started chemo yet. I am also in a similar situation to you. I am 34 years old, happily married and have a beautiful 14 month old daughter. It just doesn't seem fair to be facing this at such a young age. I will probably start my chemo in the next few weeks and am feeling very anxious about the obvious side effects like hair loss. I wil be following your post to see what other advice people can offer. xxx
  • ccasper
    ccasper Dragonfly Posts: 190
    Hi @pink_pen

    I 100% know where you are coming from. I just started my teaching career after having a a few career changes and was four days out from celebrating my son's first birthday when I got my diagnosis. I am currently having chemo too and plan to have a double mastectomy also.
    huge life decisions that completely throw you. I have so much support its been overwhelming. I couldn't do it if it wasn't for my little boy. 
    I shaved my head after two weeks as I couldn't handle the hair loss. It's a lot to adapt to but I just keep telling myself it's all just temporary and a blip on the radar. We WILL get to where we want to be. Yoga and meditation have helped me gain a clear mind and taking the time to myself to walk on the beach etc.
    Hoping for a smooth and quick recovery for you
  • pink_pen
    pink_pen Member Posts: 10

    Hi Ro10, thank you for your comment. I am sorry to hear about your diagnosis at such a young age also. There is so much you are going through and I wish you all the best with your journey. 

    For me a decided to buy a wig similar to my hair colour/style before my hair started to fall out as I felt I wanted to make the decision to get rid of my hair in my time. Its taken me a while to get used to my wig which I don't wear every day, but I also feel I need more confidence in wearing head scarves. Xxx

  • Ro10
    Ro10 Member Posts: 59
    I have been thinking about buying a wig and head scarf before I start my treatment so I am prepared for when my hair starts falling out. Do you find that the wig is hot to wear? I live on the Sunshine Coast QLD and its warming up here now and I'm wondering if a head scarf might be a better option. Also, did you loose your eyebrows and eyelashes too?
  • pink_pen
    pink_pen Member Posts: 10
    Thanks @ ccasper for your comment. Yes I keep thinking this is just a bump in the road and this bump is only going to make me stronger. Wishing you a speedy recovery too. Sending positive thoughts your way. :)
  • pink_pen
    pink_pen Member Posts: 10

    Ro10 I'm in Victoria so iv found that been colder down here so wearing my wig hasn't been too hot yet.. I just came back from a holiday north qld in August and found up there I was more comfortable wearing a head scarf. In answering your question about my brows and lashes, everyone is different and it may depend the type of chemo you are having but I haven't lost my eyebrows yet and I'm into my weekly treatments of chemo.  Iv sourced scarves from friends, family, but eBay have heaps too. Hope that helps.

  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,524

    I too shaved my head 1 week into Chemo, and yes reminded myself it was temporary. I also lost eyebrows and eyelashes towards the end, but found if I wore black eye liner on the top lid you couldnt  tell I had no eyelashes LOL. It made me feel better. I wore wigs for about 6 -7 months, they do get hot yes eventhough they have a lace which is holey. I bought 2 and they were so good you couldnt tell as my hairdresser cut them the style I always wore and strangely it was the same color as my hair!! In Spring last year I wore beanies and small hats. 

    Big hugs to you all...its daunting but you can do this! Melinda 
  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    Welcome ladies I have read your posts and it feels like yesterday when I made my first post. It is now 2 years on since chemo , mastectomy with reconstruction. I'm a bit older than you in age but in my head I'm only 18.
    You all have a long trip ahead of you with lots of ups and downs, it is not a easy trip but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I worked on and off during chemo so organised my wig early for when my hair started to fall out. I wore scarves more as this was more comfortable for me.
    Please visit often everyone on this site is in different stages and the support is amazing.Sending you all a big hug xx
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,429
    Hi to you Both @pink_pen and @Ro10 ask about the local look good feel good program... 
    Want to encourage you that I am 4 years out and cancer free it is hard going thru the bumps on this ride early on but you will find strength you dont know you have. 
    energy and hugs to you both...
    Soldier Crab
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Try not to sweat the hair thing. I just used to wear a cap when I went out and au natural or a beanie at home. My kids used to rub my head and make a wish lol. I must have looked kind of cute. Pace yourselves and do your best with the families and don't be afraid to tell the wider family, friends and neighbours. Even acquaintances sent me flowers and neighbours dropped in a meal every so often. It was all greatly appreciated. All the best for your treatments. <3
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,114
    Hello @pink_pen & @Ro10, I just wanted to jump in and welcome you to the online network. Our wonderful members will be here to support both of you on your journey and if there is anything I can help you with please just let me know. Ann-Marie x