Forum Discussion

luanne's avatar
15 years ago

6th July 2010

I have grade 2 invasive carcinoma and DCIS in the right breast :( big shock to the system.  My next appointment in the 15th to ask a heap of questions to the doctor and then surgery within two weeks.

  • Hi Luanne Jo here I had a grade 2 invasive ductal ca in 2003 it is always a shock when you get the diagnosis. I found it great to talk to others when I was having treatment. Had the lump removed, chemo & radio. Online wasnt as common then! Not that I get online too often.Have you ordered the My Journey Kit? 1300785562 or on the BCNA website. Has the doc given you the Early Breast Cancer book from the NBOCC? It has loads of information in it as well. There is no right or wrong way to feel, we all work through things differently. There may also be a face to face group near you BCNA or the Cancer Council will have details. I will try to keep in touch online am at home at the moment full of the flu but havent been up to even online stuff. Take Care and hope to chat soon Jo :)
  • Hi Jo, thanks for your message, I have been given the guide for women with early breast cancer book and a handful of other information and should be receiving my journey kit this week. I've read a few of the articles but am waiting till I see the doctor of Thursday to find out the finer details. The Doctor at BSA told me I need to have my ovaries removed as well. cheers Luanne
  • Hi again Luanne Many of us have had an oophrectomy! It depends on if you have finished with them or not!! It does mean instant menopause which can get a bit tricky. Still as part of treatment if it is what is reccomended. Good Luck with your appointment, is it the 15th? Cheers Jo
  • I got my results back and they found cancerous cells in one of the nodes that they removed. I was supposed to have more removed yesterday (Monday) but after sitting there for 5 hours I had to go home as there was a problem with one of the other patients in surgery. Looks like it will be tomorrow (Wednesday) all going well :)
  • I got my results back and they found cancerous cells in one of the nodes that they removed. I was supposed to have more removed yesterday (Monday) but after sitting there for 5 hours I had to go home as there was a problem with one of the other patients in surgery. Looks like it will be tomorrow (Wednesday) all going well :)
  • Hi Luanne

    I am twelve months post the beginnning of my journey and just wanted to say Hello and remind you that you are not alone as you begin your journey. The best advice I can give is to try to take one step at a time. You will have so much information to take on board over the next twelve months so try to just think about one step at a time...'baby steps' as I have been told. Allow this for yourself so that your body can keep up with the physical demands of treatment rather than putting all your energy into what lies ahead. I am coming out the other end now, finshed chemo in december, radio in march and am now just starting to feel somewhat normal again. All in time for my oophrectomy and hysterectomy on sept 7th!

    Look after yourself and remember I am here to chat anytime. All the best.

  • Hi Luanne

    I am twelve months post the beginnning of my journey and just wanted to say Hello and remind you that you are not alone as you begin your journey. The best advice I can give is to try to take one step at a time. You will have so much information to take on board over the next twelve months so try to just think about one step at a time...'baby steps' as I have been told. Allow this for yourself so that your body can keep up with the physical demands of treatment rather than putting all your energy into what lies ahead. I am coming out the other end now, finshed chemo in december, radio in march and am now just starting to feel somewhat normal again. All in time for my oophrectomy and hysterectomy on sept 7th!

    Look after yourself and remember I am here to chat anytime. All the best.

  • thanks everybody for your support and comments as they are all greatly appreciated. 

    ok story so far..... lump and 6 nodes were removed, one node came back positive, node clearance done and none of these came back positive.  Ct scan and bone scan done all clear :)))).  Power port fitted and ready for my first chemo visit this Wednesday.  Have made the decision that my waist length mop will be getting the big chop..... first time I will be having short hair in 37 years.

    Looking forward to attending the 2nd National Conference for Young Women Affected by Breast Cancer next weekend
