Question about network tags/catagories

LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
edited August 2016 in Community news and events

Hi Cosette,

I understand from our conversation that there is 100 pre-selected tags/catagories for the new on line network. Can you tell us what these will be?

And will members of the new private groups will be able to find their other members posts in a profile type page from within the group similar to the main network. Currently and in the original forum they could not.



  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited August 2016

    Categories are broad groupings of posts. The categories that we've settled on for now are:

    • Newly Diagnosed
    • Secondary (metastatic) Breast Cancer
    • Tests, Treatments and Side Effects
    • Health and Wellbeing
    • Day to Day
    • Supporting Someone with Breast Cancer
    • Community News and Events
    • General

    Tags are keywords that add a second layer of organisation. In the online network, members have been able to freely add tags to their posts. The result is nearly 17k tags.

    Some of them, such as chemo, chemotherapy, and mastectomy are useful. Others, such as scary and next step are less helpful. There are also variations and misspellings of the same word, such as chemo, chemotherapy, chemotheraphy, Chemotherapy; the online network treats these all as different tags.

    We have spent a lot of time studying tags and how members use them in the main feed and in groups. 64% of tags, nearly 11k out of 17k, are used fewer than 20 times.

    In the new platform, members will not be able to create their own tags. They can choose from a list of 79 tags; this list can grow as needed. And, unlike the current network, it's optional. You don't have to enter a tag if you don't want to.

    Member profiles will contain links to all their discussions and comments, but unless you're in the group, you won't be able to access it.

    For example, here's mum2jj's profile.

    The red box highlights two posts she made to the breast reconstruction group. I can click on them, but if the group is private and I'm not a member, I'll arrive at a page that says I have to join the group to view its contents.

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited August 2016

    In the thread about groups, the following question was asked:

    "If the current posts are being saved, are the current tags on those posts being deleted??"

    The short answer is yes, unfortunately.

    Here's the longer explanation.

    One challenge we came across is how do we categorise 11k posts that have never been categorised? We did it by manually reviewing 17k tags and assigning them a category.

    For example, posts that used the tag chemo were put into Tests, Treatments and Side Effects. This is not perfect so we had to manually review posts to make sure they were in the right spots or move them.

    Groups were easier because all those posts already live together. We could move the group as one piece.

    The posts went across without their tags. We would have liked to have had them and just correct them, but we couldn't. It's a limitation of how this system was built.

    We have inputted the list of tags into the new system. Now we have to manually tag each post. It's a massive piece of work and we don't expect to be finished with that by the time we make the change in September.

  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited August 2016

    Hi Cosette, this is absolutely awesome. And it looks like it will retro fit to past posts so finally we will be able to see what we have posted. This is also great because we can see posts by someone of interest in one space. Great.


  • LouiseTurner
    LouiseTurner Member Posts: 1,600
    edited August 2016

    Sounds like a big job.

    Sounds feasible then that there could be a set group of tags relevant for a private group. Given there is only three groups perhaps you will give this some consideration. 

    If non members spot a tag of interest it might also be a way to help people find groups of interest to them as well.

    Happy tagging, it will keep you out of trouble for the next few months

    Louie :)

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited August 2016

    I think the tag selection is a great idea. It will really help when searchibg also.

  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited August 2016

    Wow!!! Huge job, and I am the queen  of tagging so feel your pain ;)

    Good luck 



  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited August 2016

    Well there's a nice profile, I bet she's really nice LOL.

    Fantastic to be able to see our old discussions etc. I really like that.

    I agree there are many tags that weren't  useful and to be honest I think people just made some up because you couldn't previously post without a tag. 

    i guess once we are up and running you will have an idea of what's working and what we may also need as a new tag and go from there.  It's good it can be added to. 

    Paula :)

  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited August 2016

    "...I think people just made some up because you couldn't previously post without a tag."

    Yes, this has been the case judging from tags such as

    • !
    • *
    • ?
    • xxxxxxx


    I agree there are many tags that weren't  useful and to be honest I think people just made some up because you couldn't previously post without a tag.  - See more at:
    I agree there are many tags that weren't  useful and to be honest I think people just made some up because you couldn't previously post without a tag.  - See more at:

  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2016

    Wow - you girls at BCNA sure have your work cut out sorting through the posts for tags!

    I know I've found the tags invaluable when looking for specific information, so whilst I understand that you'll pre-set tags for us to choose from when writing a post, how easy will it be for us to add new tags and how will you approve them?

    For example, when I was investigating whether breast reconstruction was for me or not, I searched for specific tags such as "Air expander" and "DIEP".  I can't tell you how wonderful it was to find specific posts that related to what I was looking for, and I was able to obtain one-to-one support from wonderful women in the Online community.  Will women reaching out for support still be able to find information in this way?

    Thanks for helping me out on this question and for your great work - I can't wait for the new site to be up and running.


  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    edited August 2016

    Hi Alison. The new platform has a powerful search function that works beautifully. It picks up words in both the subjects and the body of the message. You can search discussions, comments and/or groups.

    Member can't create their own tags. They can only choose from the list. Members can suggest tags (there's a new area for member ideas, feedback, etc.) and we will consider it.

    As an aside, members and Groups can link to search results. For example:





  • pacwood
    pacwood Member Posts: 105
    edited August 2016

    These changes might get me (and other members) back into the forum! Good work BCNA


  • Alpal
    Alpal Member Posts: 196
    edited August 2016

    Thanks Cosette -that sounds great. Being able to search for key words is even better than tagging.  

    The new feedback area sounds good too.  So looking forward to the big improvements.