Module 1

I was diagnosed in 1999, and have been involved with the BCNA since about 2002, and have been involved in a number of projects as a consumer representative. I found Module 1 Who's Who in BC, a useful update. It was particularly salutary for me to spend time looking at different sections of the BCNA website and to realize that there were sections that had changed quite a bit since I last looked at the site. This is a good lesson for me! Make sure that you regularly look at the BCNA site to keep up with changes.
I also found it useful to to look at the differences between the four organizations in the Pink Puzzle. This diagram and the video made clear what were the differences between the organizations, and the particular focus of BCNA on the woman and her family, on the personal not the disease. It was also good to read the section on the website about other breast cancer organizations. I was a bit puzzled though about why Cancer Council Australia wasn't included as one of the organizations in the Pink Puzzle??
Hi Polyxena,
The main reason why the Cancer Council Australia isn't included in the pink puzzle is because, although they are a key organisation in the cancer space, they are not breast cancer specific.
Cancer Australia develops and distributes clinical guidelines for ‘best practice’ health care to improve the diagnosis, treatment and support of women with breast cancer. It produces a number of information resources for health professionals and people affected by breast cancer, including the Guide for women with early breast cancer, which is included in BCNA’s My Journey Kit.
It is great you raised this, as perhaps we need to include this in future workshops.
I hope this answers your question.
Pip x