Never goes away does it?

Good afternoon girls
I have been thinking...the breast cancer journey never really ends does it? I sometimes count myself lucky that my cancer journey, which started 12 months ago, didn't involve any chemo or radiotherapy but i did have 5 surgeries (2 minor ones, then the mastectomy/reconstruction and then 2 follow-up procedures) over 5 months. I have had my 6 month check up recently with my plastic surgeon and all was well.
Just last week I had my "6 month check up" (which was actually 7 months because i had to reschedule..haha) with my amazing breast surgeon along with a mammogram on the right breast beforehand. The first words he said (other than hello!) was mammogram was clear! woohoo...dont need to see him for 12 months!! Anyhows, as there was a fatty tissue lumpy thing in my reconstructed breast he did a quick biopsy just to be sure it was fat necrosis.
Well he just called me a few minutes ago and said the results came back..and there was some suspicious looking tissue that he just couldn't work out and to be absolutely sure he wants me to come back and have a core needle biopsy under LA. I don't like the word "suspicious" but I guess they have to be sure and it sounds like just fat necrosis. This procedure is to be done in his rooms (so no hospital stay..phew)..
You have your check-ups regularly but eventhough you are given the "all clear" you still have the scars (both physical and mental) forever. Don't you agree?
Yes I agree every time they say there is something not right you go into panic stations. I hope all goes well with your follow up xx
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Oh mate I don't think it ever leaves us.
It is not what you want to hear but at least he is on the ball, so have confidence in him he seems to be looking after you. Don't panic (easy for me to say), think positive. Keep in touch.
Cheers Jen ?? ?? ?? xx
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Hi hi I totally agree it never leaves us....even when we as in me even when I'm talking about other things it's still there and as for me I was diagnosed with dcis in Jan this year had my op 2 weeks later but not with clear margins so the surgeon said I have to have radiation treatment 25 of them so I started that on the 1 st of March finished up on the 7 th April
soreness has just about gone now but have been told I won't be able to have any tests done till at least 12 months which is a very long time not knowing if they have got it all ... It really gets me down sometimes some days I just want to cry my eyes out but I don't as I don't want to upset my hubby who has been great thru this all and also my 12 yr old son but some days as you said it's hard to keep saying to people when they ask how are you going that I'm doing good ... I am I guess I feel ok it's the just not knowing
well that's my rant so it's good to know that I'm not the only one this is the first time I have actually said how I feel it's good to let it out
thanks and I hope you feel better and it's good news that you get from your doc.
hugs kate
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I'm yet to finish my treatment....two more chemo, then surgery, then rads, then hormone.....but I expect to be always looking over my shoulder thanks to this damn bitch for the rest of my life!
Wishing you all the best for your results.
Remember to breathe......
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No the worry of risk doesn't. My mum berated me about saying I need to be careful and look after myself, keep fit etc in case cancer returns. Her idea was if you don't 'think' about cancer then it won't happen. Sure that's easy when she's never had cancer.
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I agree, it's just hanging around in the background like a spider behind the picture frame in your house that reappears every now and then. Now that we've all had treatment and we know that its there, we can keep an eye on it and hit it quickly every time it rears its ugly head.
I hope that your biopsy goes well for you, and that the results are good. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ????????
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It's like a sneaky little devil that dwells always in the back of our mind. No I'm sorry I don't think it goes away I'm 4 years down the track and still worry about twinges and lumps. But you continue and go on. Regards adean