
PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
edited 2016 28 in Newly diagnosed

Ok So after have a mestectomy after Paget and DCIS IN SITU ALL through the breast, I had a blood test two week ago all was ok no white cell raised levels, But the last week I have having the same symptoms in left breast. But not yet bleeding.My Gp said it really is too soon for it to reoccur in other side,it won't show up in a mamgram unless it is elsewhere, hasanyone else had the other side afftect so quickly and has anyone else had Pagets and had real bad soreness. I dont want to go and get a biopsy  as yet what's everyone opinions.or do you think it is all in my head. Hugs Peta



  • LITHGOW1950
    LITHGOW1950 Member Posts: 314
    edited 2016 18

    Hi Peta, I'm probably not much help, I had not heard of Pagets so I googled it. I had a lumpectomy last Sep and went to the GP today with what I thought was an infection in the breast my surgeon operated on. This is the second time this has happened.  Also I still get funny aches and pains in both breasts.  And always think the worst. Maybe your surgeon would be a good person to talk to.  Or the breast nurse.  I'm sure your GP is correct but it's normal to worry. Sorry not much help am I but I do hope all goes well for you.  Please keep us updated on your progress. 



    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited 2016 18

    Ta Anne-Marie will wait a week and see if it progresses or goes away, a week won't make a difference one way or another to anything. Hugs Peta

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    edited 2016 19

    How distressing. I know after biopsy both breasts were hyper sensitive ...whether it was me being hypervigilant or just scared I will never know. I'd  stick with the breast surgeon's opionion...they have so much more experience. Hope the week flys quickly for you. Kath. X

    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited 2016 01

    Hi Kath the pain went so It may have been hormones working after not noticing for awhile hugs Peta