Centrelink for the uninitiated!

Well, that was fun, 45 minutes waiting on hold on the phone to speak to someone about our 2 week old claim for my sickness benefits. Never claimed with centrelink before so it's all been rather daunting. So if you are putting in a claim, are self-employed / like us have a family trust set up, be prepared for a long wait.
When you have a trust in place, that means your claim will end up in an area (that for the life of me I cant remember what she called it) where they go over and understand the legal issues of a trust. Currently that part of the process is taking 42 days approximately. Whether thats working days or consecutive I'm not sure.
The lady on the other end of the phone was lovely and kind, and asked if we were experiencing financial hardship. Without hanging out all our dirty laundry for all to see, the past 7 years have not been kind, we lost nearly everything and are starting again with very little. So yes, we are doing it extremely tough. So she's pushed our claim as urgent and I should have a decision by the special trust people and back to the normal claim people by the end of next week, which means just in time for my next chemo round on the 20th April, we will have our claim sorted and hopefully, a little bit coming in to cover bills that are backing up. Sigh. Does it ever get any easier.
Oh and she recommended that because a carers allowance/pension takes longer than normal (??!!!!??) that he put in a newstart allowance, and then they will automatically switch it over to a carers one.
It really shouldnt been this complicated should it? I'm sick, I cant work and have been advised by the specialist to kiss this year and till this time next year before I can consider working again. And I'm having chemo which knocks the living shit out of me, I cant drive because my head is weird and i'm off balance. So someone needs to be with me most of the time so I can have some sort of normal life in this seriously shitty situation. Sorry, didnt mean to turn this into a rant. Was trying to be helpful. I hate how this disease turns you into an emotional wreck.
Anyway I hope that helps someone who might be starting the whole centrelink dance.
It's tough all round Donna.... But you are tougher!
Sending you the biggest, but gentle, hug
xx ??
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Oh yes, good ol Centrelink. I remember applying for sickness and a disability pension. It was excruciating. Only to be told that at $1000 a week my husband earnt too much and I wasn't entitled to a thing. I was forced to work part time during my 16 months of treatment including chemo as I couldn't afford not to. All I really needed and wanted was a health care card to help with the cost of my $300 a month medications. Without my meds I cannot function due to another chronic illness I suffer. When I burst into tears, I was told to go to the salvos for help! It was one of the most degrading, distressing and frustrating things I have ever had to endure. All for nothing. You have my sincerest condolences having to deal with them. I hope your outcome is better than mine. Good luck. Karen xox
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Donna, it probably doesn't get any easier...you just have lower expectations as time goes on in dealing with government offices. Don't be afraid to use all the resources,excuses you can summon up. Life with a cancer diagnosis is tough without having the worry of where the money is coming from. I did have long conversations with Medicare trying to work out what they were paying and after 50 minutes I finally said,tongue in cheek, add the first 3 numbers and take away the number you first thought of and call the answer oranges. The Medicare operator who was trying to explain the intracate system said..yes,but only if you are holding out your tongue in the right position! Glad to have a laugh over what for most of us is not a laughing matter.
Good luck with the system and your treatment. Keep ranting....it often helps. Especially when people who understand are listening.
XX Jenny
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Look on the bright side, while on chemo you don't eat as much as before so you are cheap to keep.
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45 minutes. Gee that's pretty quick on an average LOL.
Paula0 -
LOL this is true Brenda. Lost 3 kilos in the first week. Thankfully I'm holding now. And cant stand the taste of chemicals. So no lollies etc. back to basics and baking.
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i thought that wasnt too bad either Paulan... Then the next call, well that was 90 mins. I really nearly fell asleep on hold LOL
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Thanks guys, even though in 12 hours the situation hasnt changed, I feel better mentally and well, I'll just drag all my craft supplies out and start finding the artisan in me that disappeared after having kids and start what i wanted always to do and thats my rustic western jewellery and home decor stuff. I'm heavily involved in the local horse community and used to make and sell jewellery so I have all the gear, now I have the time. It wont make much more than a bit of pocket money but I can feel that I'm contributing, and it will fill my soul.
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Oh we all get it. Because last year we earned a reasobable wage...we don't quslify for any assistance if we can't really earn much now. This slso includes us supporting obe over 18 and obe under. I needed to proce I woukd be incapacitated fir 12 months and my husband be a full time carer...ie no money at all coming in before we could be considered. I hope things go better for you. We fortunately had trauma cover on my life insurance so have been able to claim against this which has lifted the burden. As if the cancer isn't stressful enough. The staff were very pleasant, it was just the system that sucked.
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Good for you Donna!
Art in any form is therapy....it is good for your soul!
I've just ordered some colouring books as i really can't concentrate long enough to layout and create a drawing from scratch...
Look forward to seeing some of your work...post here in Creative Corner OK?
Hope you have easy days Xx
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obe ??0
auto correct or typo... she meant "one"
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I feel your pain, I've spent about 3hrs on the phone & we've taken a trip into the office...last place I wanted to be with a reduced immune system. My husband and I were diagnosed with cancer only 6 days apart, me with locally advanced breast cancer & him with colon cancer. With 2 under 4, me eligible for income protection and his work offering for him to work 2 days a week at home, it's hard to find what we can and can't claim for. My mum is claiming carers payment for us both as she's living with us. They told me I would be able to claim parenting payment, but apparently the combined $1600/ftnt we will be earning, eliminates me from that & probably a lot of other things. He's been told to apply for sickness allowance so we're hoping that comes through to help with everything.
I hope you get your payments through soon. It's definitely a battlefield trying to figure it all out!
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Ooops sorry0