March 1 Meeting at 10.00am

Our next meeting will be held at 10.00am at the Cancer Council, 69 Howick Street with guest speaker Dr Carrie Lethborg.
Dr Carrie Lethborg has had 25 years experience in oncology from clinical, educational and research perspectives. She currently holds the positions of Clinical Leader, Cancer Social Work and Coordinator Psycho-social Research – Cancer Services at St Vincent's Hospital in Melbourne, Research Fellow in Psycho-oncology at Monash Medical Centre and honorary appointments at Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre and the University of Melbourne. She sits on a range of executive level committees concerned with cancer services in Victoria and is widely published in peer review journals and text books as well as producing an award winning children’s book for children with a parent with cancer. Dr Lethborg has won over $1million in competitive grants and is involved in research ranging from the implementation of iPads into day cancer centres, rehabilitation for older people with cancer, the care trajectory for Aboriginal and Torres Strait islander people with cancer and her Doctoral work on the role of meaning in adjustment to advanced cancer.
Do come along!