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kcash Member Posts: 13
edited September 2016 in Metastatic breast cancer

It was very soon after I discovered I had breast cancer plus bony mets at diagnosis that I realised how different it was to have secondary rather than primary breast cancer.

The significance of the latter diagnosis is simply too far removed from primary cancer that I found it scary to spend a lot of time talking about cancer with women with this 'lesser" disease.

Now  that the initial horror of it all has subsided, this isnt such an issue but I realised that  being a doctor also sometimes made interactions uncomfortable. In some cases, I've found that there's a fair bit of complaints about misdiagnosis by medical professionals. And while I'm happy for people to talk about these experiences, I dont find them helpful in dealing with my own issues.

I'm also mindful that as a doctor, some people might feel uncomfortable with me in a group for this reason.

So, if there's anyone out there who is a doctor and has advanced breast cancer, maybe we can chat and support each other.

