PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
edited December 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Started to excercise  after 8 months off and 27kgs. Going well have swam and been to gym 3 days now . Am surprised I have less problems than thought I would have. Am determined to loose this mid-drift weight rising out of stress resulting ,  a rise in Cortosel and then oestrogen  and other hormones . I have 27kgs to loose and this is my 4th day. My Bother and sister in law never spoke to me the whole time they were back in Sydney over Christmas... I am persona non grata it looks like... I cannot imagine what type of person it takes to not mention such an illness to the person concerned nor see me not one  word of support , I am not of the belief that others need time to process things  as they do not have to feel the pain go under the knife do chemo nor face any of it, they are let off, To me its cowardness. I have had family and friends in same position . I cried by myself , put it aside, but was there imediately for them ; it is what is needed for them . So I have let go of them ; I don't have to give them the time to process as I was'not given it.I myself, it was told to me like the ripping of a band aide and had to go from one teast to another without time to think and process.  If I saw a car accident and a person bleeding, should I be given time to process that,  and let them bleed out , no . Who cares if they don;t cope.. its there problem,  its not their body going under the knife.. Everyone have a good day it is sunny and lovely out there Petaxxxx


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807
    edited December 2015

    Hi Peta

    Concentrating on yourself and setting mini goals is the best for you.  Remember this is about you!  

    As to the ignorance of family and or friends, that is their problem and you need to discard those thoughts and concentrate on your new regime. 

    Personally one of my sisters doesn't ask and she has openly said I don't know what to say but when I saw her on Christmas Day she gave me the biggest hug and presented me with a gorgeous hand made (cross stitch) card.


    Take care

    Christine xx

  • Kymvass
    Kymvass Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2015

    Hi Peta,

    Good on you for getting back into exercise, I am struggling with getting back into it and finding the right exercise for me. I'd love to swim but not sure how the skin would cope with chlorine now (currently having radiotherapy). It's 1 day at a time isn't it?

    i have many friends who don't want to talk about or acknowledge the cancer. Even my closest Aunt who has always stayed in touch except since diagnosis.  It was only after hearing that the tumours were gone she sent me an email apologising but was so devastated she didn't know the words to say.

    I don't know your brother or his reasons but I'm sure there are reasons whatever they are, although not excusing him. I bet there are so many people supporting you and cheering you on. I choose to listen and be wrapped up in their love with gratitude and just smile at those who are awkward. 

    All the the best with your goals.


    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2015

    I am glad for you have a lovely day Peta xxx

    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2015

    True thanks Peta xxxx

  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    edited December 2015

    Hi Peta

    Sending you big hugs. I know how hard it is when someone you love acts like this. I have one friend who has cut all contact with me since they found out. Prior to that we had so much contact talking all the time about everything - now complete silence. Even when my other girlfriends talk to her about me she says nothing. I really think she doesn't know what to say, and maybe deep down she doesn't want to acknowledge that this is happening. Maybe she is afraid. But whatever the reason I can't deny that it makes me feel sad, and in a weird way guilty that my illness may be making her feel uncomfortable. So I am hanging on to the hope that once all this is over we will reconnect and pick up where we left off. I hope that maybe you can reconnect with your brother and sister in law in the future as well. 

    All the best




  • rowdy
    rowdy Member Posts: 1,165
    edited December 2015

    Hi Peta good on you, I'm still struggling to lose the weight I put on so un motivated. Keep going yay for you and the family who don't want to talk it is their issue not yours, you need every bit of energy to get to the end of your trip, take carex

    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2015

    Thankyou for your words, I know I won't reconnect with him as he doenst have the right to turn family on and off when thing s are good or bad and this was last straw ... don't feel guilty your body is doing thing that are different it is out of your control for me I am not into "fair weathered friends nor family" but that is me and does not have to be for you lots of hugs My next surgery is the 13th and can't come soon enough now. Peta xxx

    PETA WILLIAMS Member Posts: 104
    edited December 2015

    Yep I had to get into the excercise etc to get ridof bad thoughts and it is working Hugs Petaxxx