Photo from recent IMPACT Advocate Program

Hi everyone,
I wanted to share this lovely photo of BCNA's CEO Christine Nolan with a number of BCNA's Consumer Representatives - Kym Berchtenbreiter, Jenny Hall, Leslie Gilham and Petrina Burnett - as well as other consumer advocates from Australia and New Zealand.
The photo was taken at the July IMPACT Program in Perth.
The IMPACT Program is a joint initiative of the Breast Cancer Institute of Australia (BCIA) and the Australia and New Zealand Breast Cancer Clinical Trials Group (ANZBCTG).
It gives women affected by breast cancer the opportunity to learn more about breast cancer clinical trials. It also recognises the important contributions women have, and continue to make, to breast cancer clincial trials.
Hi Lisa
Thanks for sharing photo and news.
Sounds like a wonderful opportunity to link BCNA consumer advocates, with a focus on learning more about breast cancer clinical trials. These trials are so important to our quality of life. To identifying future breast cancer treatments, assessing their practical results and evaluating their outcomes. Ultimately they can change a woman's life - for the better !
Having our advocates, and other women, contributing to this type of research is inspiring, and empowering, for all of us.
So proud of the work you all do.
Thank you,