hi I haven't posted since last week

Hi Ladies,
I had my anc on the 29/7 and I was in hospital for 5 days and I didn't realise just how much harder this surgery was going to be on me emotionally I have more down days than up days last night I cried myself to sleep as it all happened so fast it's been like a whirlwind and sometimes when I'm alone I get so sad all I want to do is cry, I try to be brave but I'm finding it really hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm looking forward to the seminar in Darwin on the 25th of August it'll be my first forum so I'm looking forward to it my husband is coming also. I imagined that this surgery would be painful but I didn't realise how much, on the up side I haven't had any infections or fluid build up but have been feeling very sick sometimes I feel like no one understands me except all you lovely people on here and my Breast Nurses, my daughter has been wonderful and it really is true how resilient children are, I hope to talk to someone soon.
Lots of Cyber Hugs,
Hi Anita, I'm glad that you're okay following your surgery. The pain is very different, and you're probably trying to be tough in front of your family and friends. Just give yourself time to get better, and allow yourself to have a cry here and there, it's better than holding all those emotions inside. Sending you a big cuddle, Trace ??????
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Hi Anita,
Be kind to yourself in these early days post surgery. Allow yourself to cry too. I've done heaps lately. Children are beautiful resilient individuals and love lots of cuddles. Big hugs, Karen xx
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Hi Anita good to hear your surgery went well. Try and think of it as the next step towards the light at the end of the tunnel.It is a long trip but you will get there, keep coming on line it does help to chat to others. Sending you a laugh and a hugxx
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Hi Anita,
I had my anc on 19 July and yes it is a tough one, but as the other ladies have said, it does get better. Hang in there...sending you heaps of hugs,
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Hi Tracey,
I allways feel so much better when I get a message from all of you, it makes me feel not so alone but I had no Idea how much the bc was going to affect me until now, I just can't seem to see the light and yes I am trying to be positive and happy in front of them but sometimes I just want to scream, the only ones I can be around are my friends at school they let me rant and rave and give me cuddles and let me cry, my best friend admires me and sends me the most beautiful messages sometimes they make me cry but she's allways there for me and I know it's affecting my husband but sometimes he won't talk about it to me, I was so happy when I was in hospital he opened up to my Breast Nurses a little which is good you forget how much your partner is affected by it all, I suppose we can't be positive all the time even though we try. Sending you a big cuddle.
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Hi Karen,
I'm amazed by how well my daughter has handled this so far she is so careful not to hurt my arm and allways asks me which arm is it before she gives me a cuddle she allways knows when I need a kiss or cuddle and that makes my day, I overdid it on Tuesday I got home on Monday and went to school Tuesday and boy did I pay for it yesterday I was so sick I slept 3/4 of the day and threw up from Tuesday afternoon sorry to tell you that but I'm ok today apparently my breast nurse said that's one of the side affects of the pain killers my surgeon has me on so I cut back last night and just have panadol when I need it and boy do I feel a little bit more like myself today. Sending you a cuddle Anitaxxx
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Hi Rowdy,
My Surgeon was very happy with how everything went I've lost a little feeling under my arm which is perminant but he had to cut one of my nerves a little numbness which I'll get used to is a small price to pay but I just can't see the light at the end of the tunnel yet I guess everything happened so fast maybe I haven't had time to process it all, I have fantastic Breast Care Nurses who are allways just a call away, you are so right it really helps coming online and talking to everyone on here as everyone has felt how you are feeling and have been or going through the same thing, I'm really looking forward to the forum in darwin and so is my husband. sending you positive vibes and a cuddle.
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Hi Fi,
It does get better I suppose the emotional rollercoaster is worse than the surgery in a way, support is what gets you through but also my daughters smile, laugh and affection make it all worthwhile I was worried how she would handle it all at one stage but she's been so wonderful, loving and resilient I only have one child and we are very close she's 9 going on 15 sometimes lol.
Sending heaps of cyber hugs