Getting out in Nature

Lunanoire Member Posts: 51
edited August 2015 in Health and wellbeing

Making the most of the break in the weather I went for a walk with a woman who I do exercise training with to the local conservation park - Morialta Falls.  Being only a couple of weeks out from surgery, I am mindful that I need to really look after myself and not get sick. However being out in nature for a couple of hours was exactly what my body and soul needed.

My walking buddy and I have made plans to revisit this place after my surgery as it was so beautiful (and nice to see there being water in the waterfall after all the recent rain we have had)


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Orbost, VictoriaPosts: 0
    edited August 2015

    What a lovely peaceful place. Beautiful photo.

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited August 2015

    Wow, what a gorgeous place! Immersing yourself in nature is so good for your well being so I hope you manage to get there often throughout your treatment. I often got to walk along our beautiful beaches through my treatment and no matter how tired I was being in a beautiful place never failed to lift my spirits. Jane xx

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited August 2015
    I thought I saw a post from you re jewellery but the phone rang and now your posting seems to have disappeared. Did BCNA or your remove it ?
    I have looked at your profile but it is empty so I don't know if you are a BC lady or not.
    So many people using this site for other reasons than what it was set up for - disappointing.
    If you are for real, are you making jewellery with BC symbols ?
  • Lunanoire
    Lunanoire Member Posts: 51
    edited August 2015

    My post about the bracelets and comfort beads that I make was deemed to be against guidelines so it was removed although I wrote it as a reflection on the ironic nature of having made such items for various people in the past, I am now wearing one of my own bracelets.
    My profile has details about me.  I am very real and so is my diagnosis with breast cancer.