
Hi friends
Well I haven't written anything for a while. I had my lumpectomy for DCIS on the 23rd June unfortunately they did not get clear margins and found Invasive cancer. Had a mastectomy with SLNB on Tues 21st July home the next day, get results next week on Monday. What a surreal couple of months. I see myself in the mirror and the reflection is something I have always dreaded, a part of me is missing. I'm grateful that it was found, I'm still uncertain of what is next, still playing the waiting game. Have had bone scan, CT Chest, abdo and pelvis all clear. Has been helpful Being on this site, hearing the stories of all you beautiful ladies. Bravery all around.
So just waiting for results and what's next. Thanks for listening.
Hi Sonya,
Hi Sonya,
What a whirlwind month for you. You have had so much to deal with and it sounds like you are carrying that heavy load very well. I know that this site is a godsend for us all, so keep sharing and talking. Good luck with your results next week.
Thanks for sharing,
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Hello Sonya:) It is so hard in the first couple of months , every time you look in the mirror. I was ok when i was dressed,but when it was time for a shower,I would just break down.It took quite some time,but I can tell you,that now,18 months past treatment,I couldn't care less when I look in the mirror.I don't wear my prosthetic,because it annoys me,I feel it is just fake.I am proud to be lopsided,and I hold my head high.I am grateful to be healthy,and I have never felt so strong.It took me a while to get to this point,but it feels pretty good.Give yourself time.CheersRobynxox
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Hi Sonya, I've been wondering how you were going. Sorry to hear your news, but glad that all the follow up tests were clear. Fingers crossed for results on Monday. As you said to me at one stage, give yourself the compassion that you give to so many others.
Take care
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Hi Sonya, I had my breast off in February this year, and yes, it does take time to get used to the look of things. Just take it one day at a time and remember that your family and friends love you for who you are. They should be looking at your lovely smiling face instead. Ne that you've had your surgery and you've got your results, you'll be able to get on with your treatment. You'll have a great network of people around you on this site. Warm wishes, Tracey B ??
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Hi Sonya,
Sorry to hear about having to have the additional surgery, mastectomy after lumpectomy. It is devastating having to face the scar everyday, I'm hoping it gets easier. I had a similar experience, with two previous surgeries to conserve the breast, but resulted in mastectomy (mid May). In my case, it was the best decision as there was another lump hiding (similar to the larger lump).
My surgeon recommended a shop in the city (Sydney) to visit for a breast prosthesis & new bras, so after 6 weeks post op, I went on a shopping spree with my besties. It did cheer me up. They had swimming costumes and swimming prosthesis as well.
I've also found the 'my care kit' to be fantastic (did your nurses order it for you?). The pilates dvd is keeping me on track.
All the best with your results on Monday. It's always a nerve wracking time waiting in doctor's waiting rooms for the appointment time.
I found a quote on pinterest which helped me, "Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you."
Big hug,
Karen xx
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Hi Sonya
I tòo have a tough month, after a standard mammogram and was told I had multifocal disease (four separate parts of my breast). I have since had the breast and some lymph nodes removed and am waiting for the pathology results for the next part of my journey. I am actually writing this while recovering in hospital
This site is a god send
I wish everyone well whatever part of the journey you are on
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Thanks Annie, yes it certainly seems to all happen in quick succession, although sometimes it just seems to drag on.
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Thanks Robyn, It will take some getting used to I'm grateful you shared your experience with me, it gives me hope.
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Thanks Lyn this is certainly one of the toughest journeys I've experienced. Having you ladies to talk to is a God send.
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Thanks Tracy
You're absolutely right, my family and friends have been wonderful, they are my floaties at present, keeping my head above water. I'm am so lucky and grateful for such fantastic support. This site had also helped so much. Thanks for staying in contact.
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Thanks Karen, I will keep that quote close at hand, it is a beauty. I have found all the support since being diagnosed so helpful. The breastcare nurse showed me some selections on Friday, maybe I will have to organise a trip to the city, I live in Rockhampton Qld.
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Hi Monica
Good luck with your results. Like I've been told, take it day by day, appointment by appointment, it's a hard slog however with the support of this site, family and friends you will win.
All the best
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Hello Sonya
You will find that you are stronger than you ever thought !
Karen's quote is magnificent - thank you, Karen - keep it on hand fore those tiny moments when you doubt yourself.
As ladies say, take it one day at a time if you can. Me, I like to plan ahead so I can get my mindset in the right place.
My affirmation during my mastectomy and two subsequent emergency surgeries was "I am positive. I am strong. I am proud" and that helped me to focus and get through it.
Now, almost a year on my SNAG has hit a downer re the 'new me' so there are more issues to deal with but I am sure, like others, we will make it through.
Me, I am just happy to be alive and, after all, who knows once I am dressed ?
I will be thinking of you on Monday. You have the support of many wonderful ladies on this site so log on and ask away, vent away - but beyond all else, stay in touch and keep talking.
Best wishes and bigger hugs
Summer :-)0 -
Thanks Summer, you are inspirational. You are so right about this site I am very privileged to be in contact with so many other inspirational ladies. Stay proud, positive and strong and I will endeavour to do the same. Huge thanks
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You've got that right Sonya. I may not post much myself, but just reading other people's posts, and the responses somehow lifts my spirit.
take care, Lyn