'Happiness is an inside job'

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited November 2016 in Community news and events

As I sit at my dinning table for the 4th week in a row - amongst the thick layer of dust from our house renovations, I went in search for some personal inspiration - For me - today - it was this quote and I am going to remind myself of this over the weekend :-)

As I reflect on my own week, I wanted to share some of the activity in the online network. Firstly a big congratulations to Cook65 who posted about the end of her 14 month treatment. You can read her blog post here - 'I did it........'

There have been 38 new members join this week and some have shared their experiences including Annemarie, 'First Chemo yesterday' and  Melhay, 'Pre-surgery emotional ups and downs' . Anita shared her surgery experience 'I finally had my surgery. While others reflect on their journey so far Mellisa B with 'And so the reality finally hits' and Eight days shared her love of running 'where you running to?'

  • Do you have a question for the other members / Do you want to share your experience? - You can write your own blog post - depending on what you have to tell us it should only take 5 minutes ;-)

Regarding fixes/improvements to the online network, we continue to work our way through your feedback and suggestions but we have hit a few big items which are proving to take a little longer to test and tick off, stay tuned!

In the mean time, if there are aspects of the website you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, or you can review the Help and FAQ for specific advice.

~Daina and Jess



  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    edited July 2015

    Hi, I do have one quick question about the site. Is there an easy way to find costs that you make comments on?  A few times, I've made comments, but not remembered whose post it was, & then been completely unable to find those posts. I'm sure with at least some of them, if I saw the name, or the subject, or the first few words of the post, I would recognise it. 

    Thanks, Lyn