I can finally lift my arm after surgery

Hello Ladies I'm back,
I had my surgery on the 24th of June and I still get a little bit of pain but I was able to lift my arm today allmost a week after surgery and I felt next to no pain it's amazing but I still find it very hard to look at my surgery site It's so ugly to me, I guess I have to look at it as the cancer has been cut out thankfully. I was lucky I only had a Lumpectomy and 1 Lymph Gland removed and I find out all my results on the 9th July can't wait for that as then I'll know what the next step is my Doctor mentioned the word Chemotherapy even if I have to have Chemo that's okay I have an awesome Breast Nurse she's trained by the Mcgrath Foundation and so nice and easy to talk to that's one of the things I love about this site is everyone knows what you are going through and can make you stay positive and are there for you. My poor litttle dog Chicko isn't going to be so lucky he has Cancer too, but he can't be saved so we are doing everything we can for him especially trying Alternate Therapies and we refuse to give up on him, I just had my 46th Birthday last Saturday and my Husband and I took our Daughter to see INSIDE OUT a must for any Adult or especially Children and I was celebrating life not just my Birthday, can anyone suggest good healthy foods to eat? I need to stay healthy, hope to hear from someone soon.
Lots of Cyber Hugs and keep on smiling,
Glad too hear that you're recovering, keep on plugging away there, sending you a cyber cuddle right back, Tracey B ??
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Hi Anita
Good to hear you are progressing well!!!
i found it easier to look at my surgery site in a photo rather than in the mirror- it was easier to be objective with a photo :-)
it takes time to adjust to the changes and we need to be kind to ourselves and view the changes as a celebration of surviving rather than it being something negative..
getting to that place does take time though
sending hugs
Chris xx
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Hi Chris,
I really needed to hear that, It's really hard to explain my feelings to anyone at home as they don't understand the emotional side of things such as my husband is from Sri Lanka and yesterday he announced he wants to move to Sri Lanka and open a bed and breakfast and I just can't think that far ahead yet I don't have my Pathology results so I don't know what I'm facing yet and that to me is kind of scary, I know I want to change my life but how I don't know he just wants us to do something as a family and wants suggestions but I just can't give him any and he doesn't understand. I'm really happy I'm recovering faster than I thought but I can't make big decisions like that yet emotionally I'm a mess it's only been 1 week since surgery I suppose It'll get better with time men just don't understand what having bc does to you inside and how much it affects you emotionally, on the bright side thinking of my daughter who's 9 allways makes me happy and what she does makes me laugh.
lots of hugs