Online network update: Some great connections and support again this week

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited June 2015 in Community news and events

Hi all,

There's been a bit happening in and around the online network this week with roughly 35 new members signing up, 37 new blog posts and 271 new comments made.

Some of the newer members have shared there experiences so far and how they are feeling post surgery. Those who are currently undergoing treatment have shared how they are doing and what side affects they are experiencing. Others took the time to share their creative outlets in the Creative corner and the ladies of the Breast reconstruction online group continue to engage and connect those seeking information and support about breast reconstruction.

We continue to testing away in the back ground and deploy fixes and improvements to the website and online network - with our latest round of changes made yesterday:

  • Messages/Inbox - There was a random date issue affecting some of you that the correct date was not displaying on some of the messages you received into you mailbox. This has now been fixed.
  • Latest Activtiy / Live feed – As some of you have noticed (Robyn and Summer) the feed now displays when you view the online network landing page, PostsGroups or Members pages. This will give you a way to see what other members are doing in and around the online network.
  • Incorrect daily message count – For those of you who have updated your ‘Settings’ to receive daily digest emails to your private email account, you may have noticed that the ‘Unread messages’ always said 0 – this has now been fixes and should reflect the number of unread messages sitting in your online network inbox.
  • Blog post not appearing on the main news page – There were a handful of blog posts not making it to the Posts page for some reason – this is now fixed.

There are a couple of issues that we are still aware of and are prioritising for next week:

  • Delete messages – There are a couple of known issues with the delete function in your mailboxes. We will be working on this and will have a fix as soon as possible.
  • Online groups – We will be implementing a few fixes within the online groups to make our amazing online group facilitators lives a little easier. 1. new search feature on group members will allow facilitators to find members quicker. 2. When a facilitator is adding, accepting or removing members from a group this will now happen instantly.
  • Content tagging - we are looking into how the 'tagging' functionality is working. We have seen some examples of bugs and we will be working through these over the next few weeks.

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment on the blog post to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group -

~ Wishing you all a lovely weekend

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  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited June 2015

    Thanks Daina! I feel that the blog is really starting to mean something again,to many ladies.For me,I am happy with how things are.I love the new live feed,and about the only thing that I reckon would improve the 'look' of the actual page,is less white space.However,I appreciate all the work that you are doing (and the others too), as I think you are probably going over and above what you have to do.:) Thanks Daina,and I'm sure that I speak for lots of ladies:):)Cheers Robynxox

  • mgndam1603
    mgndam1603 Member Posts: 753
    edited June 2015

    I am finding that my comments are not show at all.

  • Chris
    Chris Member Posts: 813
    edited June 2015

    Hi Daina, I was pleased to see the live feed again, but I am still frustrated that it doesn't work as well as the older system did. It would be great if the live feed ran through all the blogs, rather than just the landing page. This way you wouldn't need to flick back and forth all the time. It would also be fantastic if you could click on the live feed and go straight to the conversation. I thought I could do this earlier today, but I have just been trying to follow a thread and I have to leave the live feed and find the conversation in the pages, and for some reason I still find this to be a very slow process on my iPad. Not sure if this is the case with a lap top, but for me me each time I open a new thread or whatever it takes a long time.  


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