What a week - An online network update!

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited June 2015 in Community news and events

Afternoon all,

It’s been another big week in the online network, with many joining us for the first time and some revisiting after a long time away. A big welcome / welcome back!

With members at different stages following their diagnosis, we have seen a broad range of topics discussed and connections being made - in particular within our online groups.

Questions were answered and experiences shared in groups such as the depression and anxiety - facing the hurdles togetherThe breast reconstruction group and the get active and keeping well.

Outside of the groups we have seen different topics of discussion including, bone health, pending surgeries, physical and emotional well-being and many expressing some fears and concerns. Thank you to those who are asking questions and sharing your experiences and a thank you to all who jump in and offer the support to ensure our online community continues to grow and support.

As BCNA continues the office clean up after our recent flooding we're amazed at the generosity of those who support us! Bakers Delight and Berlei have made it possible for us to continue delivering our free resources across Australia including the My Care Kit and our information booklets and fact sheets. Australia Post continues to delivery the My Journey Kit to those newly diagnosed and our Hope and Hurdles pack for women living with secondary breast cancer. We cannot thank them enough for the generosity they have all shown us and our members over the past weeks in particular.

Thank you again to all those who let me know about some of the bugs you have encountered in the online network in the past week. Please be assured that we are looking into these, and we will continue with our weekly updates.

Jess and I have been able to work remotely and continue to work with our developers to resolve some of the issues, they include:

  • New ‘Latest activity’ feed – Logged in users can now see a latest activity feed on the Posts, Groups and Members landing pages. This will give you a way to stay connected and see what other members have been up to in and around the online network. See an example of it working on the ‘All posts’ page - https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/posts (note: we are still working on improvements)
  • Design updates – we have made a number of small updates (and we will continue to make updates) to the display of the online network, some improvements are simply around the spacing of the blog posts, font sizes of headings, colours etc.
  • Improvements to the local services and support directory. If you’re seeking support in your area, visit the directory or if you know of a service or support that helped you throughout your experience with breast cancer you can suggest it for listing - https://www.bcna.org.au/services-and-support-groups/
  • As mentioned in past updates, you may have noticed there is a new daily digest notifications in your Inbox. You can turn these notifications on or off if you visit ‘Settings’ section.

We will continue to make improvements over the coming weeks to the Inbox/messages, Latest activity feed and useability.

If you're having problems with any aspect of the new website, please leave a comment to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: You can find all our previous website updates in the Network News group -https://www.bcna.org.au/online-network/groups/online-network-news

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

~Daina and Jess


  • Pixie29
    Pixie29 Member Posts: 59
    edited June 2015

    Hi Daina

    I'm encouraged that every time I check in I notice the improvements you are making, I know how much work it is for you and Jess, especially without your office to work in, but it is appreciated!

    I have about 15 read messages in my inbox which I can't delete. About 10 of them are the same message repeated. When I check the boxes and then select "delete" I get the message "15 conversations deleted" but the messages stay. I can delete newer messages. Would you check this out for me please?

  • Jane221
    Jane221 Member Posts: 1,195
    edited June 2015

    Hi Daina and Jess, thanks for keeping us updated, I really appreciate that you have been battling on despite the challenges of the past couple of weeks.

    I wanted to pass on some feedback: I was really excited to see the Live Feed function return, but am not sure why it doesn't simply appear on the main landing page, as you have to go through an extra step ie click on Posts to get to the page with the Latest Activity feed. Is it likely that this function will be sited on the main landing page in future?

    Best wishes, Jane 

  • hooper65
    hooper65 Member Posts: 48
    edited June 2015

    Hi Daina 

    I'm not sure I know what I'm doing.  I am having difficulty joining in with conversations on this site.   I see these posts from other women however I am uncertain how to put my own posts up.  Could you please help me out with some directions.  



  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2015

    Hi Jane, I'm happy to report that the Latest Activity will appear on the online network landing page as of tomorrow :-)  I have just tested :-) -- Last week we didn't want to delay the improvement but we will have fixed up tomorrow. Thanks for your feedback x

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited June 2015

    Hi Pixie - Thanks for your feedback :-)

    Yes, we are aware of the issue with deleting from the messages section, we are testing a fix as we speak - but I don't think we will be able to get this fixed and deployed this week but it is on the MUST list for next week :-)

    Keep an eye out :-) x

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited June 2015

    You poor girls, we all feel for you with the frustrations of the new site and having to "tweek" a lot of it but have patience Daina and Jess!