An update from the online network

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 0
edited May 2015 in Community news and events

It's been a week of milestones in the online network, both happy and sad. Some members have celebrated birthdays, completed treatments and anniversaries. Others have come back to the network after the passing of one of our members, seeking support in a time of grief. If you're having a difficult time, please reach out to those in your support networks and let them know - we're all here to help.

It has been heartwarming seeing so many people stepping in to offer support to new and old members alike. Network activity continues to grow rapidly: in the last week 33 new members have joined, and the community has made 29 new posts and over 150 comments.

We have also had a big week in the ‘backend’ of the website, with many changes tested and implemented over the last few days. Many of these are happening behind the scenes, but some of the major ones you may have noticed include:

Future updates will include:

  • ‘Latest activity feed’ will be built to help you find other activity within the online network
  • Improvements to the online network landing page will be visible next week and we will ask for your feedback.

If there are aspects of the new website that you still find confusing, please leave a comment to let us know. Other members may be able to help you, and we can put together additional Help and FAQ resources if there is a need for specific advice.

Note: To see our previous website updates, visit the Network News group - 

~ Wishing you all a nice weekend ~Daina


  • Robyn W
    Robyn W Member Posts: 1,932
    edited May 2015

    Thank you Daina:) I am looking forward to the improvements on the online network landing page.Cant wait!!! Robyn.

  • melp27
    melp27 Member Posts: 83
    edited May 2015

    seems the messages in trash box arent deleting even when I click delete...

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited May 2015

    Hi mel, Thanks for letting me know - I will test and log as a bug. Cheers, Daina

  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    edited May 2015
    It is great that we can now use Internet Explorer to get on-line. It is faster than Google Chrome.
    I am trying to delete old messages and find I cannot do so with many of them, especially the broadcast message ones. Can you hlep with this ?
  • Keryn
    Keryn Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2015

    Hi, still not deleting messages from the trash bin. Also can we have an "all" selection box on the messages page please? Its a real pain to have to tick each one individually. Why are messages from 2011 in my messages? These were deleted years ago.

  • Keryn
    Keryn Member Posts: 107
    edited May 2015

    I just thought of something else - an empty trash button please. So stupid to have to select individually again to empty trash.

  • BRFacilitator
    BRFacilitator Member Posts: 235
    edited May 2015

    Hi Daina,

    been meaning to ask you and someone on the breast reconstruction site posted today about getting notifications if someone has replied to one of your blogs. Just wondering if this is something that is being worked on. She was concerned that people are replying to old posts and she isn't being notified. That is something I have been worried about as well. I'm sure you probably have it on your long list of things but just in case you haven't could you add it. Many thanks. 

    Paula :)

  • Jess_BCNA
    Jess_BCNA Member Posts: 474
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Paula - we are currently doing some fixes and testing on the notifications which we hope to have up and running shortly, and the daily digest email should start being sent out today.


  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,324
    edited May 2015

    Thanks Jess :)
