Time to re start

.. Tomorrow is my start date of a new attempt at fitness and better health.. Yep it's May 4th! I realised a little while ago I was struggling but didn't really tackle it.. Figured it was just the tamoxifen. Now 3 weeks after seeing my wonderful oncologist, I'm feeling much brighter and I'm off the tamoxifen for 8 weeks. It's about having a break to see what difference it makes and to try and get on top of things again.. I also got back onto this site and found the amazing support of you gals... I realised when reading some of your fantastic messages that many had sought outside help with fitness etc so I've done the same thing.. I have found a fantastic nutritionist ( Michelle at Vie Naturale) who has given me a new eating regime and she is a great support.. And... tomorow I'm going to start my excercise program again. It was so critical through treatment but I lost motivation last year and have struggled ever since.. But tomorrow, May 4th will be the date I start again.. And the day I start my new job.. Just to add to the mix. I have no idea how it will all go but I feel like it's going to be a positive day.. Thanks so much for your encouragement to get back into it. I'll let you know how I go and if you are struggling at all just make sure you chat to someone because there are amazing people out there. xx
Good for you LMA. Good luck in the new job and the new exercise program.
Paula x
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Good luck with your new job, you sound so positive it's great to hear, all the best,
Hazel xx
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GO YOU!!!! What a great post! Well done for actually doing something about it,as it's easy to just keep on going the way you are.I think that in a few weeks you are going to have some very good suggestions for other ladies that are struggling with fitness,and PROOF that it can be done.Please stay in touch,because I am very interested to hear how you are going.Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers xoxRobyn
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Thanks Robyn.. You are a superstar supporter.. Will stay in touch..
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Thanks for your lovely good wishes.. I'll remember them when I don't feel like excercising in the morning.. And they will def help.
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Thanks so much Hazel.. I had really fallen off the wagon so I'm hoping this is the start of better things. Appreciate the support
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Hello LMA, what an exciting post! We wish you all the best with your health and well being journey. It is always an adventure and it sounds as though you are enjoying trying out some new services. If you learn any new recipe ideas from your nutritionist, I'm sure the ladies would love to hear from you. I'm looking forward to hearing how your first day at the new job went, and how your body felt returning to your exercise program! Many positive changes for you, it really is so nice to hear that you are finding the online community a great support. I found this image below and it made me chuckle, thought it went nicely with your post
X Steph
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Well done LMA your sounding so positive and organized I'm sure you'll be able to get your mojo back and feel more like your old self again. Wow new job as well that's great. Let us know how your going and any new tips you pick up along the way. Go Girl x
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Hey Steph brilliant picture!! Louise x
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Hi gals, thanks for all your amazing support.. Going ok.. Still finding it a bit of a struggle to get moving but everytime I do I feel better. Mainly on a walk/run program and working on some arm exercises and stretches. I'm still very stiff in the arm and shoulder . I like running but I'm not great at it & still think I need a better routine for some overall strength.. My arm is soooo weak and I have some shoulder stiffness. Where do you work Tanya?? I'd love to get more structure around what I'm doing but I started more so with food choices because I really wanted to get that under control and the excercise is coming along slowly. I downloaded a 6 week program to be able to run for 30minutes which is going ok. Still baby steps but I'm sure I can get going again..
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Hi Steph, great picture.. Didn't realise we could do that so thanks so much!! Loving the network support ... Meeting my nutritionist again next Monday so will report with lots of stuff.
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Hi LMA, just checking in to see how you're going with your health and well being? How is the run/walk program progressing? X Steph