New website

Dear friends,
It appears that our group has not migrated well into the new website. At this stage you might be able to see is the recent posts but no filter tags or content. Any previous links are not working.
I have been in contact with Daina Jones who is the BCNA website manager who is working on fixes to restore the group as soon as possible. Obviously she has the whole site to work on, so progress may not be as quick as we would hope for us.
At this stage I have no indication to think that the group privacy has been affected, please be assured the privacy around your personal photo stories is of utmost importance and any breach of this will be acted on swiftly.
I apologise that you will not be able to access group stories or information for a while. You can still access peer support by phone, just email me directly breastreconstruction@****.au to arrange.
I'm guessing if there is problems with the group site , you also have been unable to see my recent request to join.
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Hi Tina,
yes we are having trouble seeing requests, but in the mean time shoot an email to Louie and we can organize some phone or email support from one of our volunteer facilitators.
Paula x
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Hi Tina, I'm so pleased you have responded her. I did see your request, but at present we can find any of our group content and I am hesitant to accept requests when we can't offer our normal level of information. I can't actually even respond to your post here directly, I'm just getting home from work so will have another look online to see how things have developed today. So sorry for this inconvenience, louie0