Joining the conversation

Hi ladies and gents,
I've been reading everyone's posts with interest since I was diagnosed with BC last September and would like to thank everyone for the great advice and helpful hints along the way.
I thought it was time to say hi and join the conversation from time to time.
My breast cancer was found during a routine breastscreen. There was no lump for me to find so I will be eternally grateful for this screening service that has probably saved my life - who knows when I would have found something on my own!
I have had a mastectomy and axilla clearance and am now 14 weeks into chemo - EC followed by Taxol. I have been very lucky to have had few side effects although the fatigue can be a shocker. 4 weeks to go and I'm not going to complain. I will be joyous though when the Hickman's is removed and I can enjoy a proper shower. Bliss.
My hair fell out weeks ago - that is me with my wig on the day before my second EC cycle. I strangely enjoy my bald head. I have discovered hats - something I never wore before except in the garden and HeadSox - a great product made for sporting folk but perfect for bald heads with great designs. The poor old wig doesn't get much of an outing.
It's been an interesting but challenging ride so far because it is changing me as a person and I'm wondering what the end result will be. I no longer wear black and only buy clothes full of colour. I wear nail polish every week a new colour with sparkles - must have the sparkles.
I won't go and get all philosophical although that day will probably come along.
I would just like to say a big thanks for all the helpful hints and wish everyone well with their treatments and challenges.
What a great positive post!! Like you,I had few side effects with chemo,and I also found the fatigue incredible when it hit me.I also liked the bald head thing,and I was actually disappointed when my hair started to grow! Stay in touch on here now,as new ladies really need to hear posts from those of us that found chemo not too bad.Nice to meet you:):):):) Cheers xoxRobyn0
What a great positive post!! Like you,I had few side effects with chemo,and I also found the fatigue incredible when it hit me.I also liked the bald head thing,and I was actually disappointed when my hair started to grow! Stay in touch on here now,as new ladies really need to hear posts from those of us that found chemo not too bad.Nice to meet you:):):):) Cheers xoxRobyn0
I have decided the hair is staying short. I love it. Now I have started, I'm sure I'll post more. Nice to meet you too..Maureen
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Welcome to the site, glad to hear you haven't had too much trouble, it can be a hard gig. Know what you mean by sparkles, I don't go in for sparkles but I paint my nails now and always wear lipstick whereas I never did before chemo. I am 9 months post treatment and actually had a small haircut the other day, I definitely like it short. Hope you continue to go well, take care,
Hazel xx
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Hi Maureen - Jess from BCNA here - just wanted to say hello/welcome to the online network, I hope the network gives you a place to connect with others and share your experiences. Just want to let you know that If you need a hand with anything just give me a shout : )
~ Jess
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Thanks Hazel, Donna & Jess for the welcome.
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Thanks Hazel, Donna & Jess for the welcome.
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Hi Maureen,
Thanks for a positive post. I was also diagnosed in September and have 7 weeks of chemo to go. Like you it hasn't been too bad but the fatigue is a shock.
I think it's changing me as a person too and in some ways I feel like I did in my 20's confident and surer in myself. If I can get through this I can get through anything!!
It's an interesting journey for sure!!
Take care
Lx0 -
I was diagnosed in September as well. Only two more chemo sessions to go and I get a little rest before radiotherapy. I am definitely becoming more like my younger hippie self and I'm having fun with it. I think my work colleagues and friends are also enjoying the metamophisis.
Fridays are my worst fatigue day. The legs feel like tree trunks I have to lug around all day but it will pass and the weekend will be good.
Good luck to you. Hope your going well. Maureen
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I was diagnosed in September as well. Only two more chemo sessions to go and I get a little rest before radiotherapy. I am definitely becoming more like my younger hippie self and I'm having fun with it. I think my work colleagues and friends are also enjoying the metamophisis.
Fridays are my worst fatigue day. The legs feel like tree trunks I have to lug around all day but it will pass and the weekend will be good.
Good luck to you. Hope your going well. Maureen
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Thanks Maureen
I'm going well too! Im not working this year though as I have a months rest after chemo, bilateral mastectomy and recon and then another months rest and radiation. You're doing well working. My workmates are really supportive though and I pop in and see them or catch up. Yes it's an awakening of sorts I think.
Take care!!
Lx0 -
I think its very wise to take the year off, I took 7 months off during my surgeries and treatment and have thought since I should have taken an extra couple of months. I pushed myself to return to work too early and really last year I was fatigued all year. This year I am taking a much different approach and have found my body is coping so much better.
Its amazing how long the aftet effects last.
Take care of yourself.
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I think its very wise to take the year off, I took 7 months off during my surgeries and treatment and have thought since I should have taken an extra couple of months. I pushed myself to return to work too early and really last year I was fatigued all year. This year I am taking a much different approach and have found my body is coping so much better.
Its amazing how long the aftet effects last.
Take care of yourself.
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I think its very wise to take the year off, I took 7 months off during my surgeries and treatment and have thought since I should have taken an extra couple of months. I pushed myself to return to work too early and really last year I was fatigued all year. This year I am taking a much different approach and have found my body is coping so much better.
Its amazing how long the aftet effects last.
Take care of yourself.
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Hi Donna & Loubegg, I have to admit I have enjoyed being able to work and do things to exercise the brain and have social contact that did involve anythng medical. I think that has been an important aspect of maintaining a positive attitude and good mental health for me. I have been lucky my fatigue levels have been manageable and it is only this last week I have been a bit blah. I've got my fingers crossed I can keep workig even if it isn't full time.
Today is my second last chemo session thank goodness. I am looking forward to the little break before radio starts and give the body a rest.
Donna you had so much more done than I did - no reconstruction for me - it is no wonder you have needed more time to recuperate.
Good luck to you both. Maureen