Staying positive

Most of the time I'm postive, but I have had a couple of days where I do feel down and wonder why this is happening to me and will I ever feel normal again!
If another person tells me to stay positive I think I will scream! I feel so bad even thinking like this as I know they are trying to make me feel better.
Is it normal to feel like this? and how do you cope with well meaning people that have no idea what it's like to have BC.
Hi people just dont know what to say and they think telling you to stay strong helps. My sister was the worst every time she seen me, she toldme how proud she was of me and how strong I was, in the end I had to tell her I wasn't strong I was just living each day as best as I could.
I still have good and bad days I have decided to talk to a professional as my body is healing but my head is still not right. BC has changed my life and I dont think life will ever be the same, but I do need to find some inner peace
Take carexx.
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We have all had this happen to varying degrees. Rowdy is right that people just don't know what else to say. They also think that to say they are upset or worried would be upsetting to us. I think that it really depends on who is saying this and our relationship with them. If it is someone we barely know then I think you just let it go. If it is someone close then I think you tell them that it would be more helpful if they listened and tried to understand that sometimes you just need a sympathetic ear.
I am not sure what stage you are at but I also found that some of the chemo drugs would effect my mood for a few days each time. Kind of like really bad PMT! During that time I know that I was probably very irritable and basically nothing anyone said was helpful. My family luckily understood that it was just the drugs and I would come out of it and return to my normal positive self.
Sometimes I would vent on here and many times I found that by the time I had written down my feelings I actually felt ok again. At least we all understand on here. Take care and use this network to find that sympathetic, understanding ear! Deanne xxx0 -
it is so normal to feel like you are feeling, we all have experienced the ups and downs and I would be very very worried if someone was really up going through this I would think they were in denial.
During my treatment the best thing I did for myself was to see a psychologist, she was really awesome and helped me get my head straight.
About the people thats a difficult one, I think before I got bc I was probably like that too, its the unknown and really people have no idea. I just leanrt to smile and nod and change the subject.
Take care of yourself and sending you hugs
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it is so normal to feel like you are feeling, we all have experienced the ups and downs and I would be very very worried if someone was really up going through this I would think they were in denial.
During my treatment the best thing I did for myself was to see a psychologist, she was really awesome and helped me get my head straight.
About the people thats a difficult one, I think before I got bc I was probably like that too, its the unknown and really people have no idea. I just leanrt to smile and nod and change the subject.
Take care of yourself and sending you hugs
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Hi Dear
We are the group to "qualify" to say - well, right? We share the same experience, we walk the same path.
Please dont let the cancer hold you up or control you. You are what you are and be yourself. Sometimes we were in low mood due to daily life, period, some issues friends, family, job.....bla bla bla. It is ok to have low mood and you'll have good mood again. If fact this is not chemo, this is not cancer, this is life.
Take care of yourself, love yourself, it will go
Tare care
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I too have my down days and think exactly the same thoughts as you. I found that by just posting on this site helped enormously. I also think it's ok to have a pity party! No one knows just how you feel and it's ok just to have some time where you do have these thoughts. It's good to deal with them, sort through the emotions and then regroup to face another day. Family and friends do mean well, but I've also had my sisters telling me how wonderful I've been, it's only another x amount of treatments, keep your chin up etc - grrrr!!!! I get by day by day and am pretty thankful when I have relatively good days. On the bad days, well I just hope that tomorrow I wake up with a different frame of mind. I usually do!
Take care xx
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Hi Deanne
Im about to start my 3rd round of 6 chemo rounds on the 29th December, was supposed to be Christmas day. Im having Noeadjuvant Chemo to shrink my tumor first then removal of my breast.
I am learning to appreciate the good days and realise that the bad ones won't last forever
Justine xx
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Thanks Tink
My Husband always says go to bed and hope for a better day tomorrow when he is having a bad day and Im adopting that policy!
Its so good to hear others feel like I do
Justine xx