What to expect post surgery

Member Posts: 12
I have just be diagnosed with infiltrating LCIS (3/12/201) with surgery scheduled on 9/12/14 (lumpectomy and node collection)...I'm in shock and disbelief at the moment!! not thinking it could very happen to me...no family history...what my major concern is post surgery...what to expect both physically and emotionally. I have a very supportive husband and 4 wonderful children (19-23).
Any advice would be appreciated.
Welcome to this network but sorry to hear about your bc diagnosis We all feel shocked at first- like it's a bad dream.I had no family history and lived a healthy lifestyle yet got bc twice(2003,2010).I'm fine now and the majority of women with early bc will be ok.The lumpectomy surgery is really not too bad.The under arm surgey to remove lymph nodes is probably a little more painful,especially if you have a full node clearance.I was in hospital for 3 days and went home with a drain still in.After 3 days,the pain settled down and my drain came out after a week when I saw my surgeon for my pathology results.I wore singlets/camis for a few weeks and then wore the Berlei post surgical bra(it can ordered by your bc nurse free at this network) Take button down the front pjs and a loose shirt(to wear home) with you to hospital.I could drive and was back at work after about 3 weeks.I started radiation about 7 weeks after surgery.The above info is a rough guide and obviously we are all different.The waiting and the not knowing are the hardest bits of this crap journey.During these times,it's best to keep busy.Keep blogging back here for info and support. There is always someone to chat with.Once you have surgery,get your results and have a plan,it won't beso scary.Big hug,Tonya xx0
Hi Tonya,
Thanks so much for your reply...after reading many blogs on the site the outstanding theme is fear of the unknown...I'm sure I will be ok...just lots of questions (which I am writing down) to ask at pre-admission on Monday...Taniax
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Tonya's has given you great advice, the first part in the worse, the unknown. I had a lumpectomy some 11 years ago and my results came back negative. I was not so lucky last year. My only advice is once you get your results come back here, let us know, we will all be checking this thread, if negative we will be so happy for you, if not, you, like me, will welcome the advice so agree to nothing until you check back.....wish I knew about this site last year, your smarter, you found your way.
Good luck, breath, xxx0 -
Tonya's has given you great advice, the first part in the worse, the unknown. I had a lumpectomy some 11 years ago and my results came back negative. I was not so lucky last year. My only advice is once you get your results come back here, let us know, we will all be checking this thread, if negative we will be so happy for you, if not, you, like me, will welcome the advice so agree to nothing until you check back.....wish I knew about this site last year, your smarter, you found your way.
Good luck, breath, xxx0